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What Bugs You?

A Trip To The Market . . .

Yesterday I attended another funeral, and had errands to take care of. While we were out, we stopped by one of the local village markets.


These are everywhere. Some are open daily, others once a week. But they all offer a wide variety of things from food to clothing.

This one even had live Issan music to entertain the people as they shopped.


They were quite good!

Bugs Abound . . . . . .

This isn't the same as shopping at Lotus's (local big box store). Here you find an abundance of the foods that have been an Issan staple for generations.

And yes, bugs of all kinds!

There was crickets, both whole and made into flour. Beetles of at least 3 types. Grasshoppers and these . . .


Those are mostly ants and their eggs, prepared in more ways than I thought possible!

OK, Why All The Bugs . . .

Many ancient cultures left references to the health/healing prowess of nature's small, but powerful, creations. It was common for people around the world to supplement their diets with . . . Bugs!

And while that practice has been lost in many places, some still do. Asia is one of them.

I doubt that people hundreds of years ago understood the protein and amino acids makeup as we do today. They probably thought it tasted good, and they felt better.

Crickets, for example, have more protein per gram than goat, chicken, or pork. And they contain all 9 amino acids we need for our bodies in a natural form when used as a supplement to our diet.

So today, in Thailand (and most of Asia), you can find them at markets, food carts, and roadside stands.

They are making it to other cultures again as well.

What Else Was There . . .

You could find fish, chicken and pork. Fresh seafood like crab, shrimp, and these guys . . .

So fresh they were still moving! 😆

There was fried chicken (the spicy wings were very good!), Thai sandwiches, more donuts than you could dunk, and other tasty sweet treats.

In addition you could find inexpensive clothing, shoes, and beauty products.

We bought limes, watermelon, tomatoes, onions, and an assortment of 'green stuff' that I have no clue to their name in English. Only that it was tasty for dinner!

If you are in Thailand, find the markets! Just walking around is a treat.

A Quick Update . . .

Remember my last post about the termites?

This was my afternoon snack . . .


Deep fried with extra chilli and rice!

I have to say it might not top my list of bugs to eat, but it wasn't bad! 😆

Best Regards

Richard Taylor

"The only limits you have are those you impose upon yourself. Remove the limits!"