Beautiful Sunday - With My Kids At Home

There's no other happiness that bring joy to my whole life when I am together with my children. They are my inspiration until the rest of my life. Watching them every day fastly growing made the best version of my life and goals. I didn't know what may come along the way but I pray all the time, not for myself but for their future. I never ask for more rather than the good opportunity of my children would be inside thought of my prayers

Relax and play, it's vacation for two months only.

I am not getting tired for my daughter. I have a lot of dream for them. I hope God will provide and guide me to be strong. The advice of my mother and my Aunt penetrate to my heart and soul. I maybe chasing a dream but don't want that it would remain as dream. We passed failure in my life but those part that I failed made me realized and learned those mistakes. There is no impossible as long as I am still breathing.

Next month will the opening of the school year 2024-2925. My eldest will be in grade three and the youngest will be in grade two. Time flies so fast. They are girls who needs my protections and love. I want them to stay in my side but their mother needs them too. The youngest one could not sleep without her.So we divide our time between the two of us. Good parenting for the children. Everything will be alright.

Thank you @ace108 for #beautifulsunday, #hiveph and @asean.hive who support me here.

To God To be Glory!

Hive To The Moon!

This is me,
@cdaveboyles23, a father of two beautiful daughters, living in Panabo City of NorthDavao,Philippines

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