I am beyond grateful to witness my friends’ union of love and I’m honored to be part of their entourage, as a first-timer, I didn’t expect it would be that fun

Weddings, are a celebration of two persons in love who have chosen to be tied together for the rest of their lives. Ending the singleness chapter and opening a new beginning with a lifetime partner. For most of us, that’s part of our life cycle.

The bride was my high school classmate, my college classmate and my very friend while the groom is my friend and also the engineer who made our building plan for our supposed to be house.

I am honored to be part of their love celebration as one of their bridesmaids. It was my first time and I honestly enjoyed it, it wasn’t bad to be helping the bride with her wedding preparation after all. From the bridal shower to helping her prepare her souvenirs for her guests.

Come and join me, I'll show you the clips I had from their wedding. The ceremony and reception were held at Casa De Canitoan located at Canitoan-Macapagal Drive, Cagayan de Oro City

Great place for garden wedding 😍

Both the bride and the bridesmaid were preparing to walk down the same aisle and for the pictorial of course! 😂

Hair and make-up done!

Now, it's time for me to model

I mean for us 😂 here were my co-bridesmaids and the maid of honor on the leftmost side ❤️ I know right, I'm the shortest 🥺

This was our very cute dress 💜💜💜

We were all dressed up 💜

Joining us our very own beautiful bride 💜💜💜

Here’s where the ceremony was done

Before the ceremony started, I took the opportunity to have photos taken where the wedding happened, those flowers at the back were very beautiful 😍😍😍

Here’s the groom crying seeing his bridge walking down the aisle. I wonder if my future groom would also cry seeing me from a far walking the aisle hahaha (darn seeing people crying makes me cry too)

To Jeff, please take care our good friend Mel. Love each other through thick and thin as a married couple

You may now kiss the bride ❤️👏🏽

To HIVERS, let me know why there's a need for this? What does the garter being taken by the groom under the bride's dress symbolizes?

And the wedding ended there 💜💜💜 Whooooohoooaah 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I wonder who among the girls from our group will be married next, I'll be looking forward to attend more of this 💕

Thank you for joining me today Hivers, I hope you enjoyed as much as I do 😘 See you in my next post ❤️

Mary 🌷


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