What a beautiful Petronas Twin Towers

Previously: Petaling Street was kinda disappointing but the central market was not too bad there, we tired their famous chain cafe in Old Town and I had a Nasi Lemak then I got an urgent diarrhoea afterward...all I needed is get back to hotel as quick as I can...


Phew, it was released after I went to toilet, we were all sweated, it was a good idea to take a shower before we go out again. Shower done, all good, time to go out again, we were heading to their landmark – Petronas Twin Towers and KLCC, since we talked a walk for hours at the day, we were quite tired then we just call a grab to Petronas Twin Towers.


The driver was nice and got many topics to talk to us, we had a very good conversation in the short ride, he told us that actually we don’t have to waste money on the grab, it only takes 7/8 minutes to get KLCC from our hotel on food. Thanks for the heads up, mate, we didn’t call garb anymore in the rest of our visit at Petronas Twin Towers.


We just gone “wow, it’s stunning” when we arrived the KLCC, we have heard about the Petronas Twin Towers for many many times, its was our first time looking at the building in person, how magnificent they are !!! There was a fountain outside the KLCC mall, many children were playing around, the vibes were so good.


As said, it was nearly the Chinese New Year when we visited there, so they had got many Chinese New Year decoration around, it was the year of the Chicken so the Chicken symbol was the necessary element on the décor.



I tried to made a serious pose when I take picture with the chicken, but sounds it didn’t look natural, so I better went into silly mode which look better. Not only the atmosphere was good on the street, but also inside the KCLL mall, many people were talking picture with different themes of the décor there, and we didn’t want to waste our time to take a picture with those themes, we simply took few shoots for the décor which was fine to us.


My wife suggested to go dinner after we took enough of the pictures in the mall, she said there is a famous restaurant called “Madam Kwan’s” which is on the to try list for visitors, so we were heading there to see how is it….

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