Siamese fighting fish

hi hive friends, on this occasion I would like to show some photos that I took a while ago when I went to my shop to check for items that are lacking or that are still in stock so that they can be recorded for repurchasing as needed.

I took the time to take pictures of my betta fish that were there, at first there were about ten betta fish but now there are only seven left because some have died for reasons that are not known for certain.

Betta fish is one of the pet fish that was once famous in its time, with a cheap price of five thousand, namely betta babies, there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah, depending on the type and rarity of the fish.

This fish is also very easy to find in swamps or in fish shops because the population is quite large and even now some are selling it on social media too.

for maintenance, it is quite easy and not complicated, you only need to take care of food and water and give a little Ketapang leaves so that the fish can be in good health and have good fur and bloom beautifully and charmingly.

This fish is also used by some as a wrestler who is stronger, there are also those who only compete over who is the most unique and good in terms of shape, color and rarity.

That's all for my post this time, see you in my next post because in the future I want to actively write posts in this ASEAN Hive Community.

CameraRealmi 7i
LocatedAceh, Indonesia
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