Lhok Seulayang Tourism

Hi all Friends at ASEAN Hive Community,

Good Afternoon all my friends, How are you all my friends?, Hopefully the news of my friends are all fine and can also do activities that are in accordance with what is being done and that must also be grateful for what has been done so that everything is fine and a man.

This is a tourist spot in Lhokseumawe, North Aceh, namely Lhok Seulayang Tourism or often known as Lhok Jok, This is one of the amazingly good tourist attractions and also beautiful scenery around it, then this place is also very beautiful with a view of the atmosphere.

Atmosphere The scenery is beautiful and also fun, In places like that you can have fun with family or with friends, but not far from reach because there are still many roads that are not good and difficult to reach so there are still few visitors.

This place is also fun to take a bath and even to grill chicken or corn, Then at that time me and my friends all refreshed while grilling chicken and also together while enjoying the atmosphere around it the most fun thing for all of us.

I really enjoy the atmosphere of the scenery in this place, because it is still natural and unspoiled with the surrounding scenery, I really like these things, the togetherness that makes me even more happy with what we have done at that time, this makes us like with what we do.

We usually do this kind of atmosphere on weekends together because on weekdays we all work and carry out daily activities which are usually presented, namely on holidays we also do activities that can entertain yourself and also refresh yourself together.

That's what I've conveyed on several occasions this time. Hopefully all the writings that I write on this occasion can be useful for all of us and also for other friends, keep the spirit in carrying out activities.

That's all I can say on this occasion, may it be a blessing and also useful for all of us. See you in my next post.

CameraOppo F7
LocatedAceh, Indonesia

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