Gaharu Tree

Hi all Friends at ASEAN Hive Community,

Good evening all my friends. Hopefully tonight we can do activities that match what we want and also we can make something new and unique for ourselves and don't forget we are grateful because we can still evenly distribute activities to this day.

On this evening, on this occasion, let me write a little post about the agarwood tree in the hangout area or the cafe on Mount Salak. and this view is a beautiful sight at night.

So actually I don't know what the name of this tree is then when I google it and it's almost similar to an agarwood tree so I conclude that this is an agarwood tree trunk. The gaharu tree trunk was cut down to the roots for the sapwood. Then the population of wood that is cut down includes wood endemic to the area, such as gaharu, whose sapwood has high economic value.

According to what I read and I know before the 1970s there were still many rake trees whose diameter was not enough to be hugged with two hands, but to me this tree is definitely smaller than it was in the 1170s.

At that time the atmosphere was a bit late so I didn't know what the name of this tree was and then I immediately took it without thinking about what would happen next and after I took the picture it turned out that I didn't know what the name of this tree was and so I just wrote what I knew about this tree.

For me this tree is good and also beautiful because this tree at night still looks very green leaves and but the stem looks smaller and that's also possible because it is still small and also still very, very beautiful and also still easy to be formed.

Maybe this is all I can say on this occasion, hopefully it will be useful for all of us.

That's all I can say on this occasion, may it be a blessing and also useful for all of us. See you in my next post.

CameraOppo F7
LocatedAceh, Indonesia


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