👨‍💻 ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #103 🚮 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ♻️My Entry

Hello everyone and Asian Hive Community. Today as I open in our community I read about the #103 challenge "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" by @justinparke. I look around the house and find some of my reduce, Reuse and recycle materials being for a purpose.


This first picture is a empty can of Breadpan and Pik-nik. Instead of throwing it to trash I reuse it as a Ballpen and Pencil organizer. I made it 10 years ago and until now it still in our cabinet.


The second materials is out of empty sachet of coffee, Fudge bar, call cheese, empty shampoo sachet, biscuits and more. Instead of throwing it away I reduce it by cutting it into small pieces and put in a plastic cellophane to make a small throw pillow, put a little art on it by putting a cloth at the edge to add beauty on it. By this, I help the community and environment to lessen the garbage disposal as I reduce, recycle and reuse some our trash.


As I look around in our garden I found this truck tire that I reuse as a plant pot. I just put it on the ground, pour some soil and plant thr aloevera. This is important plant and helpful if your experiencing hairloss, it can help to grow more hair.







Empty water bottle a have lot of it because I have a baby. Not throwing them away but cut them and plant spring onions and lemon grass. Also the damage pale put some soil and plant lemon grass. It's very helpful instead of buying it from market we plant our own for consumption.


This chicken pater I buy from a friend. They use banana leaf instead of styro foam or food boxes for their food business. In seller side it's advantage because it's less expenses compare to styro and boxes. And in our side we will not wash plate anymore too we just throw it and it will not harm the environment because it's biodegradable.


Barbecue grill with stand. I used this during pandemic to have income to sustain our daily living. I sell barbecue in our neighborhood. After pandemic I got pregnant so stop. Instead of putting it in the stock area I reuse it. I put some soil and put hanging plant in the side part and plant spring onion in the center for our consumption. And I'm planning to cut empty bottles of mineral water if I have time to plant pechay I already buy seeds but I do not have time yet to plant it.

What's the importance of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. They are fundamental to creating a sustainable environment and reducing the impact of waste on our environment.

By reducing our consumption and choosing products with less packaging, we can significantly decrease the amount of waste we generate. This also conserves natural resources, reduces pollution from manufacturing and disposal processes, and saves money.

Incorporating it our daily lives not only contributes to a healthier environment but also promotes a more sustainable economy. It encourages the creation of green jobs and industries dedicated to developing methods to reuse, recycle, and reduce waste. It's a collective effort where every small action can lead to significant positive change.

This is my entry, thanks for reading this. I hope everyone would like it.

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