ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #103: Reduce -Reuse - Recycle




Hello ASEAN hivers!
For this week's community challenge on the three R's of recycling. I have three different items to showcase.
The first one is a side table made from an old dilapidated lumber that we got from one of the pumping station's sluice gate. This big wood was just lying together with the trash that was to be thrown away. It was all covered in mud and dirt given that it was used for a long time to prevent trash from going inside the pump station. They replaced a new one for this. When hubby saw that they will throw it away he placed it on our truck because he has a good use for it. Many months this heavy wood was just lying at our backyard. Recently hubby found the time to create something beautiful out of it.





As you can see the wood has this markings on it that resembles sand dunes, it is truly very unique. We just don't know what type of tree this wood came from but for sure this came from a very hard wood. Hubby did a thorough pressure wash cleaning, he used our 4,200 psi pressure washer so it was really cleaned. Then placed it under the sun to dry. He then welded some footings on it to make it into a table. He added another layer below so it would be sturdy because the wood is very heavy it needed added support below.
I was the one who painted natural varnish on it to give it some luster, some shine to give it Life. I have photos of it when we did all the process of cutting, cleaning, painting but the problem was when we went to Baguio last week both my phone and hubby's phone got a systems update and we had to do a reformat all of my photos and videos were stored in my son's external drive 235GB!!! We have to get another one so I can have all my photos and videos back here with me. Waiting for it to arrive for we ordered it online. For now, so sorry to not show the whole process.


Imagine this wood will be just thrown away and will just rot. Then transforming it into this lovely, handcrafted piece of art. My husband's gift to me for my birthday last March 20th. Haven't made a post on that yet, soon.
Now it beautifies our siesta area, just beside our sofa bed across our dining area. I placed an anthurium flower which was a gift and below a place for our humidifier.



The next side table came from these palochina wood that were again for disposal. They were used during our order online. We ordered some tools and equipment these wood were used during the shipping and handling.
Our neighbors asked if they can have it for their firewood but they haven't picked it up yet.




My husband patiently cleaned it up then again he welded some footings on it. Painted it with natural color varnish. This was used as a resting table for my then mother-in-law before her passing last February 9th. She loves to place a pillow on it then she will sleep sitting down for she can't sleep lying on the bed due to her high creatinine levels. When she is lying she felt like she can't breathe and is drowning so my husband made this table for her.
Nowadays I placed it on the corner of our bedroom where I put our himalayan salt lamp which serves as our light at night.



The last one is our car chair. This car chair came from our 1987 Chevrolet hatch back car. Hubby took it out because he replaced them with new One's. He welded some footings on it and this had been used by our son for his study table that was way back when he was still in second grade, now he is in College, incoming third year this semester... Hahaha. This piece of chair is already ancient!. You can tilt it and flatten it like a bed. Pretty comfy indeed! I am glad my husband did not dispose it.




I know there is beauty in the broken. Like these wood and old car chair which was already for disposal but if you just use your artistic imagination you can create something useful and beautiful out from it. This is our way of reducing-reusing and recycling.
My entry to @justinparke #aseanhive #communitychallenge with the theme reduce, reuse, recycle.

Happy to participate, have a blessed Sunday @everyone!

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