Introducing Myself To Hive 馃檹 Greetings From Ta Khmau, Cambodia


Introducing myself to Hive and ASEAN Hive Community. Hello everyone, I'm new member. I love HIVE I'm from Cambodia. My name is Ah-Leap, and I'm 52 years old. I have two children. My son's name is Mech Seyha. My daughter's name is Mech Bormey Chandra. My husband's name is Mech Vantage. I want to thanks my brother-in-law @justinparke, my sister @sreypov, and @kidsisters for to help me start doing Hive.

I want to know the world places, the situation in different worlds and regions. I hope you all get a smile when you meet me. I want to tell you all that I learned very little because in the past I was an orphan living with my relatives who having a hard life condition.


I could not afford to get a high education in a good school like other people. I would like all of the members in HIVE not to mind of my mistakes that I made.


Now I feel that I have received a lot of love, because I will become a member of HIVE. How does it sound in the future?


I remember thinking happily that one day, if I could, I would fly to all my friends in HIVE, then my family would be safe, the world would be beautiful, and the world would be a happy place. Avoid COVID, the virus that the world fears.


When you finish COVID, where do you want to go? Climbing a mountain to visit the sea or to resorts around the world? As for me, maybe it was just a dream, because COVID is very aggressive, earning money, not paying the bank, having to borrow money, and now I have to try to get my money back, it's really hard, so what can I do?

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