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Hai Asean Hive Community, How Are You?

Hi Hiverr Southeast Asian Community, greetings from me Afridany. I am an Indonesian citizen who is currently active as a writer at Hive. After observing this community, I feel interested in joining, especially after seeing and reading some of the quality content here, such as the works of @isdarmady and @Anggreklestari who are none other than Indonesian citizens.

I am still next door to them, I live on the island of Sumatra in Aceh Province, the westernmost island of Indonesia. I am a community, there are opportunities for me to share and write information about culture, socialites in my area and some other information that I think is important and can be entertaining.

The area where I live is a province where the community is Muslim. The average livelihood of the population as farmers. Among them there are also fishermen and traders. And in general they are classified as civil servants.

My area was hit by a prolonged war conflict, rebelling against self-government. And the tsunami disaster once destroyed our country, I saw the world at that time was looking at us, helping and helping us. In fact, I really offer various countries from Southeast Asia to help our country. Various emergency tents were built for the safety of the Acehnese people under the rubble. I am grateful and hope that Aceh will always be in the eyes of the world.

I can't believe how great it is that foreign NGOs from various countries have stepped in, and helped on behalf of humanity in Aceh. I hope that this Southeast Asian community is a space for inspiration and information, not the other way around, Greetings from Aceh.

During this time I was looking for some communities on Hive that suited me. Recently I saw Hive Community, sometimes I meet camping community but the content is about flowers, and sometimes economic content is Game content. So, I will join the community, if the members and the content are relevant. And I will not hesitate to leave the community if the content is not to my liking.

After finding this community, I am sure that the people in the community will help me in the nest. And I believe in this community there are intelligent and educated people. I see they are great content creators. Content that makes me add insight and knowledge.

So I soon decided to join this community. I also believe this community will always respect content creators, be it writers or photographers. I am very happy when I see a community live by voting, are you like that too?

A living community is people who have the principle of success, not losers who knock each other down, but those who have high socialite values ​​and have human nature and their knowledge. And that, I see the character is in this community. I hope that all of those who are here will be useful people for their nation and country.

I have written many things in the literacy space. Maybe from my many works, you can find it on Google by typing my name Afridany. And I have published two novels translated in Spanish, therefore I want to go and join this Community with the blessing and confidence to share. That's all I can say this time, in the next post we will meet again. Cheers and thanks to all at Hive Southeast Asia.