My story today is Wednesday 4 October 2023

Hello Hive Friends

Good morning, all friends, especially in this community. What's the news today? Hopefully we are all in good health, and have fun carrying out your activities today. Hopefully today what you have planned can run smoothly, without the slightest obstacles, have a good start to the day. your


after I woke up in the morning then I took a shower and after showering I prayed two rak'ahs at dawn and then I put on clothes and turned off the lights which were still on and after that I went home had breakfast then I went back to school and sat at the security guard post with the security guard and the teachers , while drinking coffee and smoking, the teachers sat at the security post while waiting for the change of hours to teach.


and around 11:00 I went home and sat for a while then I took a shower because the clock showed around twelve twenty, after taking a shower I got ready to wear clothes and sarongs then I went to the mosque to pray the midday prayer in congregation and after that I lunch then I went to Keude to buy pest control medicine for rice plants, the rice was starting to bear fruit so needed spraying to control the annoying leafhopper pests


and after Asr prayer I went to keude to sit down and after that I went to school because at school there were still students who were still studying in preparation for the kantibmas competition, and after the students went home then I closed the office door and went behind the school to the trash can to burn rubbish because the atmosphere is very cloudy when it rains rubbish is difficult to burn because it's wet, and after that I went home because it was almost sunset. After that I took a shower and then went to the surau for evening prayers.



around eight o'clock in the evening I prayed Isha and after that I went out to the shop to drink a cup of tea and a piece of cake, in the shop there were lots of people hanging out drinking coffee and watching films, tonight's film was very good, a Mandarin kung fu film.

thank you to all friends who have visited my post, and I hope all friends like it, best regards from me @afkar86, I hope we are all successful

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