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My First Cake Making Learning Experience

Greetings to all my readers and friends, I feel so good to be here, its my pleasure, i hope to have a good time, a big hank you to you who is making this community alive and active.

I sincerely celebrate all my readers and the amazing members of this great community of exciting people, people how are never willing to give up but are always ready to find a way around it.
This is my first post to the #beentrepenure community, i discovered this community and began to engage in reading and making comment. Today i will be sharing my first experience in my cake baking process, could be for may persons it was smooth for them but for me, i started all from zero, there was no electrical aiding tools, so i had to improvise for all the things that i did, as such it was not an easy one.
We were having a business meeting with a set of friends and we happened to meet with a young man @ekotmordemy , who knew how to bake and design cake, so we ask him to take us through the process, he agreed but responded that all the process will be manually done, because of the other of my friends shied away, because they could not withstand the stress that was to be encountered in the cake making process.

this beautiful cake you see was done from start to finished manually without the use of a machine to aid the process. Below are the ingredients that are or were used for the cake making.

You can see in the above picture the ingredient for the process, Eggs, butter, sugar, flavour, mixe fruit, all-purpose flour, browning and a few other stuffs. He told us that it will be done breaking the process into three parts, so that it will be encourage us to enjoy the process, though hectic and stressful.

The creaming Process:

this is the most difficult segment of the process, it takes a long time to do and that we were doing manually, we had the butter into the bowel with the appropriate measurement of butter we started to cream it with the use of a spatula, and we had to turn it in one direction till it was well creamed. you can see all of that in the photo.

This process lasted for about 3.5hours in only the creaming process, i tell you the truth it was as good as my walking away because i was not even paying for it, but i sum up courage to stay through.

Dry ingredient:

All dry ingredients were measured out and mixed together, after mixing together, we put all the dry aside then move to the next process.

the Liquid substance:

All the liquid substance were put together, talking about the well blende eyes. liquid flavor, milk and others as preferred by him.

Mixture of the separate element

All the different mixtures were now mixed together, to bring about the main deal as was expected to be. due to the fact that the quantity of cake to be baked was about 3.5kg so there was need to look for a locally made oven, so as to help make the process faster than improvising an oven for the process.

The improvised oven would be taking a pan of cake per time, and that will be about two hours per pan, looking at the time and the cost of firewood, so we decided to locate a locally made oven were we had to pay for the services, and it was done in two hours. the whole process made it discouraging but my mind was made up and there was no turning back.

These are the finished work after baking

The next one was the covering or decoration process which for me is the most technical of them all, there was availability of material but there was no electronic aided assistance, so all the process was manually done. it was so hectic but i can say that i my effort that day has yielded so much value today.

This indeed is a great venture, it was no waist of time, but am glad that i made the decision that have given me the access to great opportunities, today i am bold to say that the pains of that day, has given me openings to get anniversary cakes of different classes. this year i am hopping on making cake for the governments. Now i have added so much of culinary skills to the cake making. stay on my blog, you will be duly updated on my culinary journey, so far. it has added value more financial value to my life and family.

Few days ago i started my little investment with the #leofinance community, i powered up about 167 LEO, in the last LPUD, though i made some mistake while doing that but i have started and there is no going back.

Thanks for the opportunity, am grateful. thanks for having me @jimmyrosy your young entrepreneur.