Vegetable Harvest)

And finally, the most beautiful time of summer that I like is when we can harvest vegetables. This can be my only lovely part because it is so hot here in summer hot 40 Celcius and it is impossible to go out ((( The taste of food made from vegetables plucked clean from the ground is entirely different))
This is our more than 200 kg potato harvest.

Potatoes are one of the most consumed vegetables in our house. My husband and kids especially love fried potatoes. Now when there is no problem with potatoes I can cook it even every day 😁 Usually our potato harvest is enough for us for up to 6 months. We even manage to share it with some of our close relatives.
Next, my favorite vegetable is tomato. It's been a bit difficult to harvest tomatoes because of the sweltering weather during the past years, and we even had to put a net over them to protect them from the sun. In any case, we can eat tomatoes this year because of the nets may be.

These are the cucumbers that have now come into harvest. Harvesting cucumbers is not so difficult. If there is enough water, you can get a good harvest from them.

We have also started to harvest bell pepper and eggplant. I started making delicious salads from them. The weather is so hot that we prefer to eat more salad than food.

We have also onions, beans va pumpkin that we haven't harvested yet in our orchard. So there will be another post about them too I hope)) Having such a good harvest of vegetables of course isn't easy. My father-in-law works there every day when he has free time. We help he does the main work and without him, we wouldn't have such a harvest))
I am so happy that at last, I found time to write this post that I planned to write about a week ago))

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