Very First Flowering of my 1-Year-Old Ketaki Plant!


About a year ago, I cut a branch from one of my big Ketaki plants and planted it in a separate pot. That too without any secret method, I just cut it diagonally with a knife and planted it in another pot. There is a short story behind why I was so confident about its successful growth.

About 7 to 8 years ago I had only one Ketaki plant and that too was about 12 inches tall. At that time that plant had 2 branches like the one shown below.

One day some construction work was happening at my house and a labourer accidentally dropped a heavy wooden plank on my plant. Due to which, one of the two branches broke and separated from the plant. I still remember how I cried for that plant. And then I angrily stab that broken branch into a space of another pot.

After a few days, I noticed that the branch was still green. Seeing this I became delighted and a hope arose in my mind that it would flourish again. I kept watering it regularly and then after a few days, I saw new leaves on it which was proof that this plant was alive. Andd this is how I came to know that the Ketaki plant is planted like this. Now that 8-inch newborn plant has grown to 6 feet tall.

Now about a year ago, I cut a branch from that 6 feet tall plant and planted it in a separate pot for my younger brother. I don't have pictures of that time because I had not even come to Hive then. But after 3 to 4 months in October 2023, I took these pictures in which you can see the big leaves that have grown after the monsoon rains.

Then in a few more months, this plant grew rapidly and its leaves were also much bigger than those of its parents.

Then about 1 month ago I noticed the buds on this plant forming for its first flowers. Since then I started taking pictures of it every few days so that I can show you all its growth and its first flowers.

This zooming was the limit of my phone camera. haha! Although it is not perfectly clear, you can feel its softness. : )

And then among all these, some buds took the lead and prepared to bloom first.

I wanted to take a picture of the entire bunch of these flowers but it is going to take some time for some of the buds to bloom. Even before taking these photos, my wife plucked 2 flowers to put in her hair. 😅

I hope you liked my gardening and phone photography!

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  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. All gifs are created by @irisworld and @untilwelearn
  3. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

That's all for today.
Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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