Planting Lemongrass and Making Herbal Drinks from Turmeric

Utilizing vacant land with gardening is one way to love the earth which is getting old, every day the earth has to accept pollution that comes from various human activities on the earth's surface. Planting empty land with a variety of useful plants can help the earth regenerate itself. If everyone thinks that growing a few crops is a useless act, then this is wrong thinking. If just one person plants 10 plants in their home environment, the oxygen that can be produced from these plants can help the earth from air pollution.





In my garden there are still a few meters of vacant land, because I haven't had time to plant it, every day I teach and the distance to my workplace is quite far, about 40 minutes of travel when riding a motorbike at a speed of 50 km/hour. Today I will plant lemongrass, yesterday I just bought a bunch at the market. I don't buy lemon grass at the nursery but only at the market. The lemongrass I bought was supposed to be for consumption. I planned to make a lemongrass drink. Seeing empty land, I decided to plant lemongrass.


Planting Lemongrass

First, I will make a hole, after I dig it looks a lot of rambutan tree roots, the location of the vacant land that I will plant is located under the rambutan tree. But I'm sure it can still be planted with lemongrass, because lemongrass is like weeds, easy to grow.



Second, I will choose lemongrass seeds, namely lemongrass stems that still have roots, if there are no roots, the lemongrass seeds will not grow.



The three, peel off the outer skin of the lemongrass stalks, this is done to accelerate the growth of the lemongrass seeds.


Fourth, Plant lemongrass seeds, I planted 2 lemongrass seeds in one hole.


Five, flush with fish pond water, this water contains lots of nutrients for plant growth. My grandmother said, fish pond water feels cold and is good for plant growth.



Finally I can grow lemon grass in the garden.


Harvesting Bananas

Every time I come home from the garden, I always harvest ginger, turmeric, bananas, wild vegetables such as spinach, kale and taro. Today I saw a bunch of ripe bananas on a tree, it looks like some of them have been eaten by the chickens.



Because it's not all cooked yet, I'll wait until it's cooked and turn it into a sweet and delicious cake.

Harvesting Turmeric And make sour turmeric drink
I saw some leaves of the turmeric plant starting to wilt, that means I have to harvest them soon, otherwise the turmeric will rot. I'll just harvest a few of them to make a turmeric drink.



Peel the turmeric skin, then wash it clean.


Then cut the turmeric into pieces, add palm sugar and tamarind.


add water then boil until boiling.


Enjoy the tamarind turmeric drink while it is warm, the body feels warm after drinking this herbal concoction. In Indonesia there are many herbalists who sell turmeric and sour drinks, but I always make my own. The turmeric plants that I plant are free from fertilization from manufactured fertilizers, so they are safer for health.



Gardening makes our bodies healthier and our hearts happy because we do it sincerely. Thank you for visiting and reading my post.

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