July Garden Journal Challenge , harvest time Rambutan ( Nephelium lappaceum L)

hello garden lovers, my post is to take part in the July Garden Journal Challenge with admin @riverflows. I found out about this challenge from my friend @luckylaica, thanks for the invite. I love the month of July, because in July, rambutan fruit, which is a typical fruit of our city (Binjai) begins to ripen with the characteristic of having red hair. Binjai is a small town located in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia.


Our city's rambutan fruit is the best rambutan fruit in Indonesia, that's why our city is also called the city of Rambutan. Rambutan typical of the city of Binjai has large fruit with small seeds, tastes very sweet and has little water content,


The famous binjai rambutan "lekang" lekang is a term for rambutan that is very sweet and the flesh of the fruit does not stick to the seeds.



Rambutan fruit begins to flower in early April and will ripen between July and August, sometimes we can also find rambutan fruit in December, usually there is a tree that can bear fruit twice a year, the fruit in my garden has also been fruitful twice a year. The young rambutan fruit is green, after that the skin of the rambutan begins to turn yellow and after cooking the skin turns red.


July is the month of rambutan, many residents from outside the city of Binjai come to buy rambutan fruit, of course in July, I will invite my friends to enjoy rambutan fruit, I have 4 rambutan trees and it's time to harvest them with family and friends.



Rambutan fruit is a tropical fruit that grows a lot in the forest, because of its sweet and fresh taste, finally this fruit is widely planted in the yard of the house and also in the garden. to plant a rambutan tree, we need a fairly large area of ​​​​at least 3 meters, because the rambutan tree has a very strong taproot, we do not plant a rambutan tree near the house, worried that the tree roots will damage the foundation of the house.


Besides rambutan I also started harvesting bananas, bananas are fruit that can bear fruit all year round. our family loves fresh bananas and processed bananas, that's why I grow bananas in the garden.


But since May, we can't enjoy the bananas from the garden, because my chickens have taken over the garden, they even took over some bunches of bananas, of course I can't scold them, the garden is their home.


a few days ago I saw a lot of mica plastic used for catfish seed bags, my husband just bought 4000 catfish seeds to keep in the pond, the idea arose to wrap bananas in the garden with plastic, I hope this way, the chickens can't damage the bananas in the garden.



I hope this way, the bananas in my garden are not damaged by chickens anymore.


This afternoon I invite the children to tidy up the garden and remove the weeds in the garden.


after work, we pick ripe rambutan fruit, I don't want to stop to enjoy the sweet and fresh fruit.



Because my chickens are wild, I can't grow vegetables in the garden, but I still plant ginger and turmeric, I plant them in polybags, if planted in polybags, my chickens don't want to damage them.


Keep the spirit of gardening friends, hopefully the harvest from our garden will be abundant.

thank you for reading my writing. all the photos I took with the Realme GT master Limited edition 5G cellphone camera.

I invite @bayuismail and @maskuncoro to join this July gardening challenge

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