My hot July garden journal update

Good day dear mates! In June my garden journal update was a little bit out of time. But in July I try to do my best! Even considering that fact that this week temperature reached more than 33 degrees!
So since my last update passed not so much time but situation in my garden changed. All because the fruits and vegetables have begun to ripen. I suggest starting with flowers as roses, lavender and lilies are blooming in my garden.

Of the useful herbs, eleuthero has begun to bloom, which gives a pleasant fragrance and attracts insect pollinators to the garden.

But Unfortunately strawberries season is almost over.

On the other side of hand started raspberry, currants season with sarvisberry which my kids like very much. As you can see I've already picked up good harvest of currant. And raspberry just started to rib and all joy of it's taste is waiting us ahead!

Also cherry season is still going on.

Now let's move to vine. The vines have already formed umbels and are full of berries. I hope that in late August and early September we will be able to taste the ripe fruit.

And finally zucchini started to form fruits after abundant flowering. In addition, dill, peas and topinabur are growing lushly.

All these crops were planted by me already in June, and they have actively started to grow and I think they will make excellent winter preparations. But the peas are unlikely to last through the winter because the children are very fond of them and waiting for when they can be eaten.
In addition, I still have corn seeds. I also planted them in June and now the sprouts are sprouting in the sun and in September we are waiting for the corn cobs to be ready.
I must also admit that I have to stand up to protect the plants especially raspberries, currants and cherries as pests attack them and try to damage the fruit.
Now I suggest we move to the greenhouse. I have tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers planted there. In addition, there is a corner for leaf lettuce and rucola.

The cucumbers have been bearing fruit for three weeks now. The tomatoes have just formed and should be ready to eat in a little while.
I would also like to point out that hot weather makes it necessary to spend more time in the garden. Make sure that the ground does not dry out and that the vegetables and plants get enough moisture. This can be done by mulching with straw and grass clippings. By the way, grass also has to be mowed often enough that it does not overgrow. And if you take in general for watering vegetables I have almost 2 large barrels of 200 liters, it also takes enough effort and time.
Also if you'd like you can find in my previous posts how I use mint from my garden to cook mint cokies or how I collect linden flowers to winterize them and cook golden tea from them.
That's all for now! Hope I didn't forget to mention any important point at this time.
Stay tuned! Yours @travoved

P.s. this post goes to the Garden Journal Challenge in which you still have a little bit time to participate!

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