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Hibiscus Gentle Nature and other plants


Hi, my dear Hive Gardners!

Hibiscus continues to bloom in my garden. Finally, another flower from the new collection has bloomed. Surprisingly, this time I even know the name of the variety – it’s the Gentle Nature. It’s really gentle!

So, out of four new species of hibiscus in my garden, two have already bloomed. I'm not sure if the remaining two will bloom. It's already September and the light time is gradually getting smaller.


Also this year I have an amazing situation with tomatoes. The thing is .... that I didn't plant them! Nevertheless, I grew about fifteen plants. When I started taking pictures of them for this post, I thought I would write that they were unlikely to have time to mature. But an amazing thing happened! I saw something red in the photo. I examined the plant and found ripe fruits! Well, great! My squirrels love fresh tomatoes!




Также я посадила несколько новых сортов хост. В основном это гигантские хосты, которые должны будут создать зеленую атмосферу в моем саду. Но растения пожелтели…. Я очень расстроилась. К счастью немного позже появились новые зеленые листья. Надеюсь, они успешно перезимуют и станут украшением моего сада.



My old faithful hibiscus also blooms, but not as actively as in previous years. I'm starting to think that the plant is already tired of growing in this place and I need to think about transplanting. I'll probably do it this fall. If I'm lucky, I can also divide the rhime and plant several new plants in different corners of the garden.

