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Garden Journal for August, The beginning of the harvest season is always so much fun!

After months of nurturing all of the veggies and plants that make up our #hivegardens,
I think you may agree, harvest time makes all of the effort worth it.
From year to year #Mother #Nature spells out what we will harvest in abundance
and what will disappoint us.
We've had a few veggies that failed to produce like in past years,
but what's a gardener supposed to do, complain?
Who wants to listen to moaning, not me. So lets get started with the good stuff.

This may be the year of the carrot. This year we thinned them more than ever and doing so seems to be paying dividends. With the lush greenery above ground I couldn't help but find out what was going on below ground. I was all pumped up to say the least.

Both the beet tops and the carrot tops continue to flourish while their tubers are nestled in the earth. Combined, they make a nutritious smoothie.


Those that have followed me know that beets are my favorite veggie. Exposing one to see how they were coming along was irresistible.


Garlic, something we can never grow enough of. The plants in the right of this pic will be left to grow a little more.

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GARLIC + CUCUMBERS + DILL = the best homemade pickles in town.

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The cabbage is the single most popular veggie in the garden, always under attack by the pests that think we're growing this stuff for them.

Between the slugs and the cabbage worms they can bring tears to a gardener's eyes and swell the veins in one's neck.

The slug is much easier to locate and tends to devour only the outer leaves.
The cabbage worm is sometimes impossible to find,
even after leaving a trail that lets you know he has been chowing down.
In the past it has taken me several minutes to find one of these little buggers and KILL him,
not no more.

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Simple solution that I wish I would've realized years ago. Flush those bad boys out from hiding with the hose, and then KILL them. They may be well camouflaged by the green cabbage, but against the hay they stick out like a sore thumb, KILL them DEAD.

I'M USUALLY A VERY PEACEFUL GUY, just don't mess with my food!

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Lots of tomatoes, a favorite of most gardeners. Here's a little tip that may save you $$$ when it comes to caging your tomato plants. Use what #MOTHER #NATURE provides and in this case it's small branches. The branches with a Y at the top cradle the vine and provide great support. As the tomato plant grows, these supports are easy to place exactly where one is needed.


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The cucumber vines are looking very healthy.
After already picking a mitt full, dozens of little ones have taken their place.


Now that's a mitt full of potential Garlic Dill Pickles!


Pollinators galore bring to life a vegetable we adore, ZUCCINNI.


Broccoli, I can remember the fuss that Broccoli farmers made over the statement George W Bush made while in office serving as the 41st president of United States.

"I do not like broccoli.
And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid.
And my mother made me eat it.
And I'm president of the United States.
And I'm not gonna eat any more broccoli!

Bush's views on broccoli were seen as out of touch with Americans, as broccoli was becoming more popular and was referred to as the "vegetable of the 80s".,mother%20made%20me%20eat%20it.

The MEDIA had a field day with this statement and the president took some heat, what a joke!


It's time to get busy making some breads, coleslaw, and pickles.


A big SHOUT OUT to @riverflows, @minismallholding, and any others that may operate behind the scene who keep this wonderful @hivegarden challenge so enjoyable. To be able to view gardens from around the globe is so very cool.

