Time To Cold Frame Some Plants

We have gone from warm, sunny days to gloomy, rainy ones but no worries for the passionate gardener. This is the perfect time to plant out some of the seedlings from the greenhouse that can handle the cooler nighttime temperatures.

Cold Frame


Tall Tomato Plants


I was getting nervous that my tomato plants were getting so tall in the greenhouse. I decided to hoop one of the raised beds and move them outside. Hopefully, this will slow them down a bit until I can safely plant them. I can cover them with shade cloth on sunny days until they are used to the full strength of the sun. At night if it is going to go below 50° F I can pull the plastic over them for some extra protection.


I moved out some Cilantro, Parsley, and Lettuce also and will be planting them within the next two days.


Harvesting Greens


I am so happy that I started greens early in March as I have been enjoying them in my salads every day for lunch. Here I picked some Asian greens and spinach along with some fresh parsley. The hydroponic lettuce has been absolutely prolific and so tasty too.

The perennial herbs are already up and growing quickly and I will start harvesting some of them this week. I will save photos of them for another post. I hope you have enjoyed my little #hivegarden update. Happy gardening to all.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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