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Busy Month Gardening - by Sunscape

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On April 1st I decided to plant out all the onions, shallots, broccoli, and cauliflower into my largest cold frame. Our 10-day weather forecasted the nights to be above freezing so I got busy planting the seedlings.


After getting the shallots all in I decided to leave some space for Red Acre Cabbage and 3 Brussles Sprouts in the center of the frame.


I added some bonemeal to each of the rows where I planted the onion seedlings as I researched how to grow them. Apparently, they really like the bonemeal and I also had top-dressed the entire bed with an organic granule fertilizer. I am hoping for a really nice yield for my first time growing all of these cold-weather plants.


If the nights drop to freezing I can cover the entire frame with thick plastic for protection.


During the daytime I have a nice piece of shade cloth that covers the entire frame. This should help to keep the plants from stressing out until they are well established. I am really excited to finally grow these crops, yet I don't know why I haven't in the past.

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As you can see I put down a light layer of aged horse manure and then topped that with a layer of leaf mulch. I finally have this cold-frame/raised bed completed and now I wait for the results of my labor.


It took a while to get to some of the other gardens to clean out the leaves but I have been making progress. A lot of the perennial plants are pushing their way up now and I need to move some of them around to different spots.


The Heliobores are up and blooming which is always a delight to see.

Today, I plan on planting my pea seeds and getting them started. Although, I may soak them for a day first to give them a jump start. I still need to see what other seeds I should be starting as well. May will be here before we blink an eye and I know I have more yet to work on.

I hope everyone has a great weekend with all this warm weather.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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