The cactus transplants are doing well

About a month ago I restored some hanging baskets that had seen better days, the coco choir inside was mostly stolen by birds. So replacement of this material was needed. Along with that I also cleaned up the cactus growing inside, cut off dead areas and split them up evenly between four baskets. With many cactus to work with I was able to fill up all four baskets.

For the first week or so they did nothing, I left them alone and only gave them water little bits at a time. It is important not to over water cactus especially when they are healing from being cut up. But now it seems they have healed and are producing new growth. I do not expect much from them this year as they will be recovering in their new baskets.. but eventually they should all grow to be some big happy cacti.

This one has shot off two paddles, seems quite happy with its setup.

We can see little spots where new growth is occurring.

This one has three nodes forming.

Its important to give them space, so when they do grow they do not crowd each other.

Just a month ago these paddles were not as green looking, I think they have now come out of dormancy and producing new root systems and paddle growth.

The other half of that one forming two paddles was placed in this basket along with a few other cuttings of prickly pear.

These opuntia fragilis seem to be happy, no new signs of growth but also not dying.

It is cool to see all those spines, hah make sure not to touch.

Some of the planted paddles are green but no signs of new node growth. Its okay some may take a long time to start growing again, they all heal at different rates and some grow much slower than others.

One of the cuttings did not make it and has dried up, but so far all the others are alive and mostly thriving.

Not sure if they will fruit this year, but they should be recovering and forming new paddles and fresh roots. With all new basket liners hopefully they will be happy.

Right now they are living in the green house, but eventually I plan on hanging the baskets on my balcony. I had some in Georgia this way and they seemed quite happy living outdoors. Though it does get a little colder here in Virginia so we shall see if they handle the cold okay. They are hardy types so I think they will do okay.

The newly installed fan is doing well, no issues so far. I think I am going to install a third battery on this array to make up for the larger draw. I cannot upgrade my panels any further on this little solar rig as they are at the max 300W. But storage of that power I should be able to scale up and hopefully I will make a surplus of it enough to store away for the fans and water pump for the misters.

And the vent is great, the screen has stayed up and so far nothing has chewed its way through it.

So for now I will let the cactus grow, soon I will be placing more plants in the green house. If things get too crowded I will move them out at that time so I do not get poked trying to work around them.. lol

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