Pre-Cultivation of Potatoes in Egg Cartons


This year I’m going to be planting a bit of potatoes. It’s a test run for next year, basically. I’m trying to see if any different potato breed works better or worst for us at my location. Mainly, it’s a fun excuse to grow some strange sorts too.

There would be no problem planting these directly into the soil when early summer arrives, but I can’t wait so I’m pre-cultivating them mainly for fun.

These are pre-cultivated in my garage, on the sunny workbench next to the window. The temperatures in the garage are a bit chilly, just how the potatoes like it.

Here they get a lot of light and start develop buds, which make the grow faster once planted into the ground outside.

I’m pre-cultivating them in leftover egg cartons, a very suitable container for this purpose.


The potato breeds I’ve chosen are :
Blaue Annelise, a blue-ish early potato.
Heiderot, a purple-ish early potato.
Violet Queen, a violet-ish early potato.

Blue Belle, a regular summer potato.
Early Rose, an early summer potato.
Baby Lou, an early summer potato.
Bintje, a late autumn potato.

Some of them are just for fun, like the blue and purple kinds, and some are for finding a great food staple that can take a winters cold storage without issue.


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