The weather has spoiled all the plan this year - October Garden Journal

It does not work always as per the plan


It hurts me to see my beautiful trees not flowering. Growing them like a child and putting all the effort, the result is not what I expected. You can see my previous post here. Even though, I am moving between my native place and this place , I try to put maximum effort to make sure, I have got them grown up well. They have grown well, but not giving results as expected. Blame the climate - we have several low pressure bad weather going on for more than a month. The rain this year is highest in last two decades. And surprisingly the temperature is not going down. By October, usually we get the touch of the spring, but this year, things are way different. By this time, these trees would have been glowing with flowers. I do a plan to plant few of them every 2-3 weeks with a calculation that, they will grow in a month and start flowering. So this time also, I did plant six stems, to plant for winter. I was expecting these trees to flower for a month, and then the new ones would catch up. Seems the weather has spoiled it all. You can barely see few flowers in one or two trees. It's disappointing, but that is what Nature is - we never can plan for the unseen events. The best we can do is build continuously. If it works then good.

So planted these new ones with the hope that, they will grow up and we will have flowers in Winter at the minimum. In the Winter, its very difficult to get flowers, and if 6-7 trees grow up and give good flowers, then that would suffice our requirement. Hope these mini cyclone saga will end soon.

Someone had placed this dog in the roof top - for a moment I was scared when I first went there. But then since it did not move, I could figure out, its a soft one. Someone just kept it there, to be cleaned in rain water 😀

The mint trees were destroyed with continuous raining. I just took out the bad ones and provided more space to grow fresh.

The Aloe vera has been able to grow well with all these weather issues. As you can see, it has now got few children. Soon, they will grow young and we will be able to cut the big ones and have a nice drink.

And the spinach has come up this time - after 3-4 attempts, we got one, though I planted 3 seeds. Hopefully this will grow good and can feed us for quite a month.

I have planted these stem grown marigold trees at my native as well. Unfortunately its disappointing there as well. It was a lot of effort to start growing there. And as I do everything on my own, its a lot of effort to maintain at both the places. It's literally, where ever I go, I work and work. But if I do not work also, I cannot live with peace. So better to try the best and live the results to the nature. At least it gives some happiness of being able to try and relieves stress in some way.