When Your Home is Surrounded by Green: Mom's Replanted Plants in the Garden

When tired or feeling blue, go visit the garden and take a breather, and while at it, enjoy the scenery and relax. Think nothing and just enjoy the moment. Enjoy the flowers, the trees, and maybe the bees too, or a spider.

I don't feel good since yesterday, having a congested nose and a cough is really like a curse. And seriously, it is not just me who's sick because even my two oldies have a cold too, they have cough too just like me. Mommy F just started to feel sick yesterday. I blame the cold weather we have had in the past few days. Mr. Sunny showed up yesterday, though and it was really hot. But then, today, we have gloomy weather again, and it is so cold, we are all wearing jacket now even at home.


Anyhow, it's really cold today, and I don't really want to go outside, but then I thought, I'm spending more time in bed, slouching, and that's not good. I have to walk a little to get my legs some exercise. So even if it's cold and it is raining too, but not that much, I push through it, and thank heaven I did that. I feel much better after having some fresh air outside. These plants help too, because my eyes were pleased because of them.

Beautiful, aren't they? Mama really has a green thumb, as far as I remember, she just get this in the park here at our place and transferred it here to her garden, she's like steal it (≧▽≦) OMG! She only got the smallest one though, or just the newly sprouted one, and then boom, it grew bigger like this after she replanted it and until it spread more in her garden.

I'm not really sure if they can grow easily, but maybe because Mom easily manages them and makes them grow like this. Seeing them at the back of her house is kind of refreshing. And whenever we want to take a breather, we will just go visit this spot and just look at them like they are some pill that can make someone feel happy and relax. The place where it was planted is really a good place to hangout, it's windy in there and was facing this beauty here.

Here's more of them, as I've said, they are spreading and growing in different spots. It's just sad that some of them look damaged, it's like they have scars too that will never disappear. Maybe they got damage because of our pet or because of us too, because they are kind on the side where we walk by sometimes, especially the pets that often pass by in there. But either way, they look pretty, and the effect of it on us is still the same, they are so pretty that it makes us really really happy.

Here's another kind of Mom's plant. Same with the first plant, Mom also planted it because she liked it. She just replanted it in there, and now it looks like that. It's pretty and all, but there's damage in it too, sadly, but it's alive. It's appearance in the last photo is like wood that was damaged by termites. I'm wondering if worms flock in here too. I'm not really sure, but worms visit any kind of plant in there, right? Right? Or is it?

There's more to see in Mom's garden, she also has ginger and turmeric in here. I'm not sure which is which, but the turmeric and ginger were planted together. And it's not that much, I think there are only two of them. And on the opposite side, this one plant caught my attention because of those raindrops in it. It's cute and really tiny, is this some wild plant or what? I'm not sure. But I think they just sprout in there, they belong to the kind of plants that will just grow on their own. Or maybe some seed was dropped on that side, and then it just started to grow.

Same on this one. I think some people buy this kind of plant and bring it home. I mean, it really looks beautiful. But this one grows in here out of nowhere. We don't even have this kind of plant here. But as long as it's not poisonous, then they can grow anywhere they want. But I doubt that they will grow peacefully in here, especially since we have chickens, cats, and dogs here (≧▽≦).

By the way, guys, checking Mom's garden has another good outcome because I saw this one mushroom here. Gosh, it is just one, and it grows on this old wood here. I'm just wondering why there's only one and not even two or more (≧▽≦). I want to see more of them, because if there's a lot of them in one spot, they really look like a pretty flower. I tried to look on the other side of this old wood, but sadly, I couldn't find more of it.

I am already enjoying just looking at those plants, and I enjoy it even more because of this one cute mushroom. I hope to see more of them soon. Fortunately, visiting the garden really did a lot for me, awesomeness!


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