A visit to my garden.

Hello everyone in the house how are you doing? I'm so delighted to be in this blog although this is my first time of coming to this blog and I'm so happy to be among you. Especially when I saw this garden contest I said to myself wow this is an amazing topic to write about

I have a small garden around my home where I grow some fruit and vegetables. Take a look at my ponkin vegetables



It really growing fast as I expected it was just a month that I planted it. I was so surprised to see it grown like this. I'm so happy because I love vegetable soup so much and that was the reason why I planted it within my house.

Another one is bitter leaf


I really love bitter leaf soup due to it health benefit. Bitter leaf is good for a diabetic person and it nutralised the sugar level in your body and to all is a very good source of vitamin.

As you can see my little painapple will be ready for consumption in so few weeks from now hahaha.

My little guava is growing gradually.

IMG_20221207_165651_682.jpg this is lemon grass it is a medical leave it is very good for malaria. That's what I normally use anytime I have a symptoms of malaria i cut some of it boil it with lime fruits and drink it.

A garden is very important in life because everything we eat grow from garden. Why don't you try and have one today around you .

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