See the Red Ginger Plants I Successfully Grow


Hello HiveGarden community lovers, how are you all?
Hope you are always in good health and well.
Introduce I am a housewife whose job is only at home, taking care of the house, children and my husband of course.
This is my first post in this community.

I live in one of the cities in Indonesia, precisely in the city of Bogor. I also have a hobby of cooking, so lately I like to write recipes. Tell me a little, a few months ago around the beginning of January I bought 1 kilogram of red ginger. I bought the red ginger to be used as herbal medicine, because at that time the Covid case had spiked again, so I often consumed herbs from red ginger, turmeric and lemongrass. I cut the three ingredients into pieces and then boiled them, then drank the water. The boiled water has the benefit of increasing the body's resistance. For red ginger itself, it certainly has many benefits for the body and warms.

The ginger that I bought was so much that at that time I thought about trying to grow it in a pot, I have a large old dishwasher sink that happened to be leaking and I replaced it with a new one. Because I was confused about how to dispose of these used items, I took the initiative to plant red ginger. I took a few pieces of red ginger which was almost dry at that time. I started planting it, I hope it will work because this is my first time trying to grow red ginger at home.

The fun thing for me is that the first ginger plant I planted turned out to be thriving, is it really that easy to plant it? Even though I never gave him fertilizer and rarely watered him, yes....because I'm not really the type of person who is painstaking when it comes to plants.


I took this photo when it was raining, so the soil in the pot was quite wet.

Why do I really want to grow red ginger at home??

Because the price of red ginger here is quite expensive, the price is almost hundreds of thousands, so I want to try cultivating this plant at home.

I don't remember exactly how much ginger I plant at that time, but it can be seen that after this plant has grown, the number has become a lot, the ginger looks red and refreshing, the smell is also very distinctive and a little spicy. But I haven't been able to harvest this ginger to taste it, because the ginger is still too young so I will wait for it for a while.



This red ginger has a lot of children, right?? Hahaha .... sorry if I call him a child, yes ... a red ginger child.

Because there are quite a lot of ginger plants, I tried to pull out a few ginger tree trunks to re-plant them around the empty pots. I hope it will work and won't die.
Actually I want to plant more, but that's not possible because I live in a housing estate so there is no vacant land here.


The benefit of growing red ginger at home is that we don't need to buy it if we need it at any time. I am the type of person who likes to drink red ginger stew, usually I will mix a little sugar and sweetened condensed milk.
Red ginger is often used as a mixture of drinks, such as coffee, tea, milk and maybe others. Around my house a lot of people sell red ginger drink with a mixture of milk, usually they will go around by pushing a cart, if you like they also provide free-range chicken eggs as a mixture. Do you want to try it? The drink has the benefit of increasing stamina in the body, so it is in demand by many people.


Thank you for reading my block, sorry if my writing is messy, this is my first post and I am not an expert on the meaning of plants. See you again with my other plant posts.

Thank You


Who is Dwi Purwandari?

Dwi Purwandari is an ordinary housewife, has a hobby of cooking, traveling and culinary, not many activities are done at home other than taking care of children and the household. Recently, he started to learn to write, because according to him, writing is one way for him to relieve stress, add insight, can improve mood and can express what feelings he wants by writing. He has a dream that one day he can become a successful person by writing. Be proud of you because you can write, because not everyone can be a writer. Love whatever profession you have, because all the work looks noble and your life is what you live. Spirit... never give up under any circumstances, because no matter what the circumstances are, life goes on. Thank you

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