A Gift from the Garden: Fresh Cherries for My Little Nephew

Hello hive family. I hope you all are healthy.

Friends, cherries have started ripening on the cherry tree in front of my house. Birds and we are eating cherries in the morning and evening these days. There is a different pleasure in eating cherries from trees planted with your own hands. Whom we took care of for the whole year.
So today I picked some cherries with my mother. Which I have to send for my nephew. My nephew is three years old and he likes cherries very much.

Friends, as always, I am busy with my daily routine. Go to the market with milk in the morning. Feeding fodder to cows and chickens. Taking care of fruit trees in your gardens etc. In the evening, my mother lets the chickens out to feed and we also pluck some cherries.

After picking the cherries, I started packing them in boxes, which took me a lot of time. I am sending this in a box of cherries to my nephew tomorrow


Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi by me and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.

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