Some Colors from my Garden today

It's a beautiful morning today. Since last few days we have been experiencing cold winds and low temperatures. Feels good in a Desert land to experience such a weather. In a part of Oman it has also snowed yesterday and guess what people are taking breaks from work to visit this place, which is called as Jebel Shams. It is the highest point in Oman, 3000 mtrs above sea level and has many summits, it is right now recording temperatures in minus degrees. It never snows in Oman so definitely this is an event for us.

The temperatures do drop down here to single digit going up to 1 and 2, but very rarely it gets recorded in minus. Right now, the temperature is around -3 to -4 degrees. Normally this place is the coldest in the Country during winters. The very first time when I had visited it was the month of December, I was not aware that the temperature would drop down to 2 and 3 degrees. I had warm clothing but it was not enough and because of that I did not enjoy that trip much. The health ministry has advised people to take care with appropriate clothing to avoid cold related illnesses such as flu and throat infections. That's very thoughtful of them.

With the good weather, my Garden has also been giving me some very good colorful delights. The Beehive is growing bigger and it's making it difficult for me to water my plant. I have to be very careful while watering my plant to ensure that it does not get disturbed. I like the way it is shaping up. It's Beehive is coming out in a Heart shape. There is a person in my hubby's office, who is expert in removing the bee hive. He has been advising us to keep it and tells us that it will still take some months before we remove it. I have no knowledge of this so best is to go ahead with expert advice. I would love to get some honey out it, if possible. So let's see how this shapes up in the next few months.



This one is just growing wild, but I like the way it's coming out. I am not sure if flowers will come out of this.

Love the shade. Just the first one has come out. I need to transfer it into a bigger pot so that it can spread out well.

The pots are kept outside my bedroom balcony and I can view them from the room, it gives me a very peaceful feeling when I look at them. They are all small flowers, but I love them so much. This is the first time that there have been such good flowers growing in this season. Else last 2 seasons I tried but it was in vain.



Today I have to take mom out for shopping, as she will be leaving for India soon. Time is flying by so fast. She was with me for the last 2 months and it's already time for her to go back.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ



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