harvesting of cassava from my garden to make garri

Hello guys

Happy Thursday to you all. How are you all doing, I hope you all are doing great. Today I happy to write a post in this amazing community to on how i process garri . This may sound funny but is not , believe me the are many that don't have ideas on how to process garri since the are not farmers but the only buy it at market. Here in my country the price of garri is very her so some times it really help to have a little plot of farm so that you can support your family.

This is dry season and the ground is hard and is not easy to harvest it because everywhere is dry. I left my work today down to my village to process garri and for those that don't have an idea how this is done, this post is for you.

The garri process

I will love to describe some simple steps on how to process garri simple. Already the cassava was plant and it due to cultivate, so to process garri you need to visit your farm first and cultivate you casava.

Looking at the image above you can see the casava has been removed from the ground and to God be the glory it was fruitful.

After harvesting it , I then use knife to pill off the cover of casava to have the main casava.

After that guy then use water to wash it one after the other making sure it's clean since is something we are eating.

After washing I then grind it with a machine. I did not take a photo of it because before I finish it was night and every where was dark. So after grinding it, I then put it on a presser to press out all the water on the grind casava, I did it my self because is my father mill

I have drill all the water out and the casava is ready to fry.

Frying process
Because frying it, first of all you need to sieve the un grind material out. See photo below

After sieving it you then put fire place a frying pot and then start to fry the garri. This is a little bit hard because is the fire is always hot

The garri is ready. Wow this is really not a simple job

Having this at home will help me alot, even though I don't have money to cook food at a time I can just drink the garri, the garri is very sweet, so I advice you guys to plant casava because it really save some of my expenses.

Thanks for going through

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