More plants in my garden!

Hello friends of #hivegarden, in this opportunity I made a recount of the plants that I liked the most in my house, I hope you like it. This week has been rainy, I have more than two months with an allergy, so I am very sensitive to any smell or change of temperature alters me, the allergy at least today I had to take the anti-allergic, luckily we do not have many flowering plants because I think that would affect me more.

Hola amigos de hivegarden, en esta oportunidad hice un recuento de las plantitas que mas me gustaron de mi casa, espero les guste. Esta semana ha sido lluviosa, tengo mas de dos meses con una alergia, asi que ando muy sensible cualquier olor o cambio de temperatura me altera , la alergia por lo menos hoy ya me tuve que tomar el antialergico, menos mal no tenemos muchas plantas con flores porque creo que eso afectaria mas.


My mother's favorite plant is the millionaire, because it is very shiny, I really like it too, although I like the heart plant better because it is also shiny but needs a lot of care.

La planta preferida de mi mama es la millonaria, porque es muy brillante, de verdad tambien me gusta mucho, aunque me gusta mas la de corazones porque tambien es brillante aunque necesita de muchos cuidados.

Over here, we have the “palo de la felicidad”, its scientific name is Dracaena aletriformis, this little plant needs a lot of water, place it in the center.

Then we have the “millionaire”, its scientific name is Zamioculcas zamiifolia, this one withstands a little more the drought.

Por aqui, tenemos el "palo de la felicidad", su nombre cientifico es Dracaena aletriformis, esta plantita necesita bastante agua, colocasela por el centro.

Luego tenemos a la "millonaria", su nombre cientifico es Zamioculcas zamiifolia, esta aguanta un poco mas la sequia.

Dracaena aletriformis.jpg


Next is the “moradita”, whose scientific name is Tradescantia pallida, forget its Creole name 🙃 Right next to it is the “mala madre”, so called because its “little children” are born on its leaf, and then fall off the leaf. And next to it a plant of sabila, or aloe vera, which is the same thing.

Siguen la moradita: cuyo nombre cientifico es Tradescantia pallida, olvide su nombre criollo.🙃 Justo al lado esta la "mala madre", se llama asi porque sus "hijitos" nacen en su hoja, y luego se van cayendo de la hoja. Y al lado una planta de sabila, o aloe vera que es lo mismo.

I don't know if you know it but the aloe is used to remove stains from burns or acne, in my adolescence I used it a lot, I had to remove the green part and only leave the transparent part, I washed it and at night I used it for a while, then I washed my face with soap and threw the aloe away. There are also people who use aloe vera for the flu, without eating the green part, only the transparent part, they mix it with milk, I don't like it, I have a bad mouth. I prefer a hot lemonade with honey, or ginger with honey and syrups or remedies sent by a trusted doctor, nothing weird, you never know .... 🙃

No se si lo saben pero la sabila se usa para quitar manchas de quemaduras o de acne en mi adolescencia la usaba mucho, tena que quitarle la parte verde y solo dejar lo tranparente, la lavaba y en la noche me la echaba un rato luegome lavaba la cara con jabon y botba la sabila. También hay gente que usa la sabila para la gripe, sin comer lo verde,solo lo transparente lo mexclan con leche, a mi no me gusta, soy mala boca. Prefiero una limonada caliente con miel, o jengibre con miel y los jarabes o remedios que mande algun medico de confianza, nada medio raro, uno nunca sabe... 🙃



Here we have some small plants of “anon” and one more sabila.

Aqui tenemos unas pantas pequeñas de "anon" y otra sabila mas.



Here we have more closely the anon plants and the mother-in-law's tongue, they say it serves to oxygenate the environment.

Aqui tenemos mas de cerca las plantitas de anon y las lengua de suegra, segun dicen sirve para oxigenar el ambiente.


Sansevieria trifasciata o espáda.jpg

Here we have a beautiful fern, which my mother loves, and here we have another variant of the famous mother-in-law's tongue. The mother-in-law's tongue does not need so much water, it needs sun, the fern is the opposite, it needs water and little sun.

Por aca tenemos un precioso helecho, que mi mama adora, y por aca otra variante de la famosa lengua de suegra. La lengua de suegra no necesita tanta agua, necesita sol, el helecho es al contrario necesita agua y poco sol.

Nephrolepis cordifolia.jpg

Sansevieria trifasciata lengua de suegra .jpg

Finally this plant of “hearts” its scientific name is Philodendron Giganteum. This plant when it is small is very delicate if you don't water it, it dies, the good thing is that it had, that good because it is very pretty.

Finalmente esta planta de "corazones" su nombre cientifico es Philodendron Giganteum. Esta planta cuando esta pequeña es muy delicada si no le echas aguas se te muere, lo bueno es que tenia, que bien porque es bastanta bonita.

Philodendron Giganteum.jpg

This has been a quite rainy week, the good thing, there is enough water, the bad thing, the light goes a lot like 3 hours, you have to be aware of the appliances and well for the plants do not have to worry.

Esta ha sido una semana bastante lluviosa, lo bueno , hay bastante agua, lo malo, se va mucho la luz como 3 horas, hay que estar pendiente de los electrodomesticos y bueno por las plantas no hay que preocuparse.

That's all for today friends, I hope you liked it.


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