Seeding A Cashew Nut

In the last post, I told a story how I consumed cashew. I do not eat the cashew nuts but eat the fruits and the young leaves. I had some cashew nuts and I tried to seed them a few weeks ago.

I put the seed in a polybag. I water the soil to make it wet.
Unfortunately, I did not record the term of the planting seed. I forget how long the seed should be buried for seeding. However, the seeds need around two weeks to germinate.
After two weeks, the shell of the cashew seed will be broken and there will be a shoot from the tree.
The growth of the shoot is very fast. In three days, there will be perfect leaves on the tree.
You do not need a lot of watering as long as the soil is fertile. It is better to get some sunlight but not full sun because the plant is still young.
This is the cashew tree after 5 days. The leaves have been paired. The color is light green.
It is around 10 cm high. I planted the tree in a polybag. I will keep the plant in the polybag. I can cut the young leaves easily after that.

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