My beautiful garden (gardening)

First of all i want to say hello to all of you. I am new user on ecency. I am exploring the platform and i hope i could understand every bit of it.
Today we will discuss about gardening. I think this topic is mainly designed for me because I am gardening lover and it's my hobby.
I am a seed collector
Whenever I see any different are unique plant on internet I usually order the seeds of that plant and I have ordered seeds online. When i received i planted and now these plants are grown. I ordered the seeds last year. It's been one year that i have planted this plant in the garden.

This is globe Artichokes and it is mainly a vegetable which i ordered online.

These are flowers in my garden and these are cut flowers. I haven't observed any effect of harsh environment on these plants means these flowers are long live plants. They always remain green. These make my garden look fresh.

I also have grapes wines in my garden. This green are not ripened they are not mature at this time. Because summer just came and grapes will take time to be mature.

I also have peech in my garden. Also peech is not fully ripened.

I hope that these fruits will soon be able to eat as i have grown them with immense love.
Thanks for staying here.
This is my entry for the weekly ecency discord contest by @mypathtofire

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