My Dad's Garden - Lovely Garden Corner

What do you love most in your house corner?

What is the best thing about your father that you like the most?


It's been more than 3 months I've been stuck and can't go home because of the Covid epidemic, I really miss my dad's garden corner. Those are the most passionate things - where my dad spends a lot of time every day to take care of them.

Now I will take you around my dad's garden corner

1. Banana tree


Bananas are large herbaceous flowering plants that average 20-25 feet tall. Bananas are not only beautiful but also contain more starch than a regular meal. Bananas come in many different sizes and shapes. In addition, bananas have healing properties both scientifically and traditionally.

2. Malabar Spinach

Malabar Spinach is widely grown everywhere for food and to provide medicinal herbs. The whole plant can be used as medicine in traditional medicine.


For Malabar spinach, sun-loving plants that need a lot of nutrition, we must have a special care for it. Those who grow malabar spinach need to pay attention to these points, the vegetables will give large leaves, grow quickly and be harvested after only 4 weeks.

3. Ambarella Fruit

Ambarella fruit is one of the fruits that many people love, so it can be eaten with salt, pickled and made fruit juice, because of such advantages that Ambarella is very popular with many people, everyone wants to have Ambarella in their garden.


4. Papaya

Papaya is a large herbaceous plant, with large leaves, long rolls. Can be eaten or made a smoothie.


Papaya has 2 types: green skin or yellow skin, red intestine or yellow intestine. When the papaya is ripe intestines and skin discoloration. Papaya is grown in warm climates, with temperatures around 25 degrees.

5. Jackfruit tree

Jackfruit is considered the biggest fruit in Vietnam. The fruit is often oval-shaped with a green-to-yellow, thick, and spiky shell.


The inside segments of jack-fruit bear similar to pomegranate but with larger seeds and larger glossy yellow pulps. It is honey-like sweet, sometimes crunchy, but the most delicious one is usually tender with a sweet fragrance.

6. Tomato

Tomato is a type of vegetable for food. The fruit is initially green, turning yellow to red when ripe. Tomatoes have a slightly sour taste and are a nutritious food, rich in vitamins C and A, especially rich in healthy lycopeme.


"Tomatoes need to live in warm weather. In addition, tomatoes will not grow at temperatures below 13 degrees Celsius". That is the things my dad ever told me.

7. Eggplant

Eggplant is a very familiar crop in Vietnam. Eggplant fruit used for processing such as: baking, stir-frying,... is a very popular dish.


Eggplants will be initially green, turn yellow and purple when ripe.

8. [Please let me know as I cannot search this vegetable on Internet]


This vegetable is used to treat common diseases in adults and children such as common cough, long-term cough that doesn't go away, flu, fever, runny nose, etc. In addition, the essential oil of this vegetable is also a remedy. Precious medicine to help the body from stress, relax the mind.

There are many interesting things in my dad's garden but I could 't take pictures of them all now, I hope I can get home soon and be able to take pictures of them all to introduce to everyone..

Thank you for your time to read my post. Have a nice day.

Jonas Nguyen

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