My Garden Update This Wednesday ft. Bitter Gourd.


This day I just want to update what's happening now to my ginger that I planted last October 19 and I tackled it on my blog. If you missed it then here it is.

In this one I talked about planting my ginger into a recycled sack. I used it instead than for it to go to waste. You can do it also if you have sacks in your home or anything that has a good space for your plants to grow well. Recycled them to lessen the waste in our planet. When you do it, you're like hitting two birds with one stone because you grow your own food and can harvest it later plus you help our enviroment to become garbage free.



My ginger is already developing new buds and I'm very happy about it because in no time these young ones will mature into new section of the gingers again. More months to pass and I'm pretty sure that the sack will be filled with healthy gingers. With that being said I'm really hoping that my parent gingers will produced good crops for me. Gingers are very expensive nowadays so it's really helpful when you grow your own. Plant it, wait then harvest. What an easy way to aquire some ginger.

My Chili Peppers


Last week I forgot to make a blog about this one because my hand was too occupied with the works in our farm. Moving on, I grew some chili through it's seeds and I place them on a container. I recycled the container of Wilkins.


My grandma asked and get them from our neighbor, they have a lot of it since it's the water they used for their grandchild. It's really good to have kind neighbors because it can give you things for free hihi. So fast forward, I forgot to take photos when I did this one since I'm not really 100 percent sure that the seeds will sprout since they're not that healthy anymore but just this morning when I took a look at it, I was surprised to see a lot of small chili peppers and they are very healthy.


As you can see in the photo above that there are spaces with no chili and that's because of the seeds were not that good. The seeds decayed, turned into a fertilizer instead. Well that's how it go when you grew something from seed. But I can say that I'm lucky enough to have these seedlings now because in the first place the seeds that I used were not that good. A blessing from nature again.

Transplanting my Bitter Gourd into a recycled plastic container of milk.


Just like the chili that I grew from seeds, the same thing happened to my bitter gourd also. I'm not expecting it to grow but look at it, it grew anyway and it's healthy. It has a lot of leaves already and it's vines are already developing. What a good start I must say. I'm surprised by this one also but at the same time happpy because it's been a long time since I have a plant like this.

For filipinos like me I'm pretty sure that you already new the brand of that milk. If you have it's plastic in your trash bins then use it instead than it will go to dump sites. If you don't have sacks there then you can use this one as an alternative for plants that didn't need much soil to mature. Just like this bitter gourd of mine, from my experienced of planting this I can say that this big of container and soil is enough already for it to grow and bear fruits.


I already have the organic soil from the rice straws so it's not a problem anymore. I want to transplant it into a sack again but I remember that we don't have any sacks anymore since we used it last harvest. While doing it, I handled it with a lot of care because I might damage it's roots and if it happens then my plant might end up dying.

With just a matter of minutes I successfully trasplanted it atlast into the plastic container as you can see in the photo below. Now I will take care of it and wait until it produce it's fruits.


And this is for today's update, until next time. Thank you for reading, friends.

Plant, plant and you'll survive. -Jhero

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