Plant again, be happy

December 06, 2022

Gardening will make you plant over and over again. After a plentiful harvest, you need to plant again. It is an unending cycle.

Hey hive friends! It's already December and Holiday season is soon to come. Time flies so fast that we are now in the last month of the year. It also means that we are now in the last garden challenge of the year.

I love this community because I can see different gardens around the world. Through hive it seems that their is window across the globe showing different ways of gardening by our dear hive gardeners.

This time, let me share to you our small and simple yet fruitful garden. I water the plants this afternoon and took some pictures to share it with you.

Can you still remember our small garden? You can visit my garden journal last November so you will know about it.


If you can still remember our hanging eggplant, planted in a recycled water bottle with pechay above, the pechay have been harvested already. It gave us a plenty harvest that we were able to cook it fresh right from our garden. Since pechay was harvested already, it means that the eggplant remains.

Look at our eggplant, have you seen the little fruit? Seeing this single fruit hanging in there makes us not just smile but being so happy.

This is the first fruit of our hanging eggplant. We really hope so that it will continue to grow healthy. I can't wait to pick it up and cook it so fresh.

The hanging eggplant in the other side seems have problem. Its leaves got dry and have some dry spot. I don't know the reason behind because we took care all of them equally.

The eggplant in the ground looks healthy and the snail really loves its leaves. Can you spot the leaves with some marks eaten by snail? One morning my husband saw a very big snail in the ground.

We are happy too to find two flowers in it and we hope it will develop to fruits soon.


We didn't plant another pechay in that hanging water bottle so the roots of the eggplant will not be disturbed anymore.

We planted another sets of pechay and here they are today. It still looks so small and vulnerable but I believe they will grow better now because we already remove the squash that covers them from the sun.


Just an update because for sure some of you looks forward for an update of our squash. We decided to remove or uproot it because it really covers other plants below from the sun. Now, the eggplant, pechay and raddish can see the sunrise every morning.

That squash also gave us fruit, not plenty but one, lol. It still bears little fruit and a lot of flowers the day we remove it but we need to do it and sacrifice it in order to help many small plants.


We planted raddish again and we are happy that it is growing well right now. They are happy to see the sunrise every morning.

Spring onions

I transferred some of my spring onions in a place thay they can feel the sunshine because I thought that it was the reason why they looks so thin and unhealthy last month.

Look at them now, they look better than last month.

Sunshine is really essential to every living things.

Moringa plant

I'm happy because its leaves grows bigger and its number increase but I'm also a bit sad about our moringga plant planted in our neighbor's frontyard because someone asked them to rent the space to be used for vulcanizing. They uprooted other moringga plant and just leave this one with a lot of leaves near the corner. They also cemented the ground. I don't know if this can still absorb water from the rain.

Sweet potato leaves

My husband just put some stalk of it after we cooked its leaves and fortunately others grow and others don't. This is the spot where we planted tomatoes before.

Fruit trees

These are durian, rambutan and lansones. My husband bought this on the neigboring Municipality and we will plant this in our garden at the vacant home lot. We will replace this to those fruit trees we planted before but was eaten by some animals.

My husband planned to plant it on December 08 because it is full moon. It is believed that it is better to plant during full moon for a better result. I don't know how true it is but even my father do the same before.

That is an update of our front yard mini garden this time. I hope you enjoy reading.

Ladies finger

We planted ladies finger in this spot but until now no one grows. We will still wait more days to see if something will come out from the ground. We also thought that might be the seeds is not good.

All photos are mine.

Plant, water, unweed, harvest, plant.

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