Utilize blanks to plant corn

friends, how are you today, welcome to meet me here again. I am very happy to be able to share with you today. Some time ago I got very good corn and this corn has only been planted for a month and a half. Don't ever call it a name. I did this on empty land not far from my house. This corn is simple sweet corn some time ago and without proper care, however, currently the corn plants that I planted are very fertile. This is really extraordinary and I am very happy to be able to share with all of you.

This planting is very profitable for us because the results will seem to be very satisfying to me because now it seems that it won't be long before you can harvest this corn. This is really extraordinary in the very simple land that I planted. This land has just been opened. Instead of lying down, it's better to plant corn like this because planting corn can be for food security, the enemies will come at least the corn produce is sold to the market and to buy rice and other necessities and I am very enthusiastic about planting corn especially at this time this is really extraordinary and we are very grateful to be able to get very good corn at this time and rarely be attacked by corn plant pests.

This is corn without proper care and no fertilization because the land has just been cleared, you don't need to use fertilizer. Rather than wasting money on buying books, it's better to plant it naturally or with organic fertilizer because there are a lot of rotting leaves here. There are traces of animal waste here so there is no need to use fertilizer for the corn plants that I am currently planting.

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