My Beautiful Mess of a Garden

It's Thursday and whilst we awoke quite late (past 7am), I had a better disposition to go for a brisk walk around the yard taking the phone with me. It's refreshingly cold and the sun is yet to arrive but I was on for a little adventure.

As always, it makes me happiest seeing things popping with some colors like these St. John's Wort and Jerusalem Cherry which are co-existing alongside other plants.

And so much is going on and some are so out of place amongst these greens (Pineapple, rosemary, ornamentals, passion fruit seedlings, spring onions).

The good thing is that although they may have been in all the wrong places, they all thrive along quite well.

And some surprises awaiting by the west side in the form of red, pink and what else!

The red rose buds which I've shared sometime ago have now burst fully and had I not gone around today, I would have missed to see them!

I should probably tell the truth the roses are growing between golden bushes, a stem of gabi and what else, lol! Out of place perhaps?

This was one of two rose buds photographed over two weeks ago.

And this Pink Dianthus is enjoying the spaces it had been given. It had a few weeds as its neighbors, lol!

A few steps farther and these were taken. A very tall pomelo tree, alnus branches peeking too and the lone coffee bean tree which had been pruned last year. Some of its branches have wilted and turned deep brown. The sky is looking overcast and you'd imagine it is still cold here.

Turning right and the ever generous tree is still looking bright and yes, it's fruits are so ripe!

And you should know too that there's a lot going on under that tangerine tree. These variegated plants called "Pink Kutsarita" pop out amongst other creeping green plants and weeds!

Some tiny cacti are surprisingly surviving too! They're not getting choked, are they?

And this pot of succulent wasn't spared from the sun's heat and is screaming of its need of water to drink. I'm feeling bad already on seeing it.

Meanwhile, these greens are taking things well, thriving alongside and or between one and the other.

Among other plants under and around the tangerine are peace lilies, periwinkles, strawberries yet to produce any bloom nor fruits (photo of which was taken sometime last month) and other things.

And these climbers or Wandering Jew as they are called enjoy much of themselves in that ample space which they had been provided.

Moving along and these greens and things meet the eyes, the alnuses beyond the untrimmed gumamela hedges and some chayote plant climbing up even!

And oh my, this is too long so let me just stop already with these various captures of things outside.

Now back to the front yard and this is the spot where we love to enjoy the sunset.

And here I end the 25-minute morning walk and the glimpses of my messy yet still beautiful garden. This in turn is my March Garden Journal Update.

Cheers to a glorious and productive Thursday!

All photos and texts are my own. 09032023/10:30ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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