The seeds are beginning to germinate little by little; new update of the Pumpkin Challenge 馃巸 2024//Las semillas est谩n empezando a germinar de a poco; nueva actualizaci贸n del Desaf铆o de la Calabaza 馃巸 2024

Almost a week has passed after sowing the Auyama seeds and as I said at that time that there was a rainy season due to the appearance of the tropical storms, since that day it has rained constantly which has helped me since it hasn't I have watered until I even had days without going to where I planted them, to encourage my participation in the Pumpkin Challenge 馃巸 2024.

Ya cu谩ndo ha pasado casi una semana luego de sembrar las semillas de Auyama y c贸mo lo dije en aquel momento qu茅 hab铆a un tiempo de lluvia debido a la aparici贸n de las tormentas tropicales, desde ese d铆a han llovido seguido lo cu谩l me ha ayudado puesto qu茅 no he regado hasta incluso ten铆a d铆as sin ir a d贸nde las sembr茅, para favorecer m铆 participaci贸n en Desaf铆o de la Calabaza 馃巸 2024.

Some have started to germinate, but not all of them. I don't have an explanation why in one hole two out of three seeds are coming out and in another only one out of three and in the rest of the holes none have started to germinate yet but I hope it is in the next few days and as cool as possible; Without a doubt, Agriculture and feeling the pleasure of being able to harvest our own food is a very rewarding feeling for me. So I will always keep you up to date with how my participation in the Pumpkin Challenge 馃巸 2024 continues, also grateful to @der-prophet and @hive-world-champ to show our skills when not only planting but how to maintain them to obtain the best possible harvest.

Han empezado a germinar algunas no todas ah铆 no tengo una explicaci贸n del porqu茅 en un hoyo est谩n saliendo dos de tres semillas y en otro s贸lo una de tres y en el resto de los hoyos no han empezado a germinar ninguna todav铆a pero espero que sea en los pr贸ximos d铆as y lo m谩s genial posible; sin duda alguna la Agricultura y sentir el gusto de poder cosechar nuestros propios alimentos es una sensaci贸n muy gratificante para m铆. As铆 qu茅 los mantendr茅 siempre al tanto de c贸mo contin煤a m铆 participaci贸n en el Desaf铆o de la Calabaza 馃巸 2024 adem谩s agradecido con @der-prophet y @hive-world-champ para mostrar nuestras habilidades al momento no s贸lo de sembrar sino c贸mo mantenerlas para obtener la mejor cosecha posible.

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