Let's prepare very pure turmeric powder at home.

Hello dear hive friends,

Good evening to all Hive friends! Today, I am excited to share with you the process of harvesting turmeric from my home garden and preparing turmeric powder. Turmeric, valued for its vibrant yellow color and numerous health benefits, has been a staple in kitchens and traditional medicine for centuries, renowned for its antiseptic properties. Cultivating turmeric in your own garden and transforming it into powder guarantees a fresh and potent spice. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of preparing turmeric powder right from your home.

I have undertaken this cultivation on a small plot of land, yielding enough turmeric powder to last for an entire year. The harvest typically takes place in December, and to maximize yield, can be planted in sand mixed soil. Turmeric thrives in tropical and subtropical climates, making it essential to select a location with well-drained soil and partial sun exposure. Enhancing the growth is facilitated by planting yellow tubers, and the addition of compost fertilizer rich in nitrogen further supports the cultivation process.



Rescued Turmeric Harvest.


First, wash the turmeric potato well and remove the skin from it with a knife. Then cut it into thin slices. As in the following images.


After that, the cut turmeric petals should be dried well in the sun. (So ​​that it can be grinded.)
It takes 3 to 4 days to dry these turmeric petals in the sun.



Then take a blender and add dried turmeric flakes and blend it until it becomes powdery.


Strain the blended turmeric powder using a fine sieve. Blend the remaining chunks again and repeat the same process.


Cultivating and preparing turmeric at home can be easily accomplished in a few days. This beneficial and sustainable process avoids the use of any chemicals. By following these steps, you can relish the freshest and most flavorful turmeric powder for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Delight in the richness and goodness of homemade turmeric, from the turmeric plant to turmeric powder. Until we meet again, have a wonderful day.

Thank you reading
Best Regards,

Samadi Madushanki .

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