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Garden Journal December 2023 - Sweet Strawberry Success!

Greetings from North West, South Africa!

Another month has come and gone...and somehow, I managed to keep most of the plants alive this time. Not sure what went wrong with the lettuce, but I guess we'll just try again next soon. Life and death in the garden, and all that.

All in all, things have been growing pretty well, especially when you compare their growth to the almost lazy slump of the previous months.

The lavender is looking much greener now that it has stopped flowering, guess it takes a lot of energy from the plant to produce all those lovely flowers.

The Taro/Elephants Ear, is still growing like crazy and will soon need a bigger pot, which will be nice, seeing as an old ice cream tub isn't too attractive a container for it...

After a bit of a leaf rot scare, the money tree is also looking good again!

I'm not too sure why the mint started to look awful for a might also need a new, larger container, but for now it seems to have bounced back nicely.

The String-Of-Pearls is still growing longer! Soon it'll start touching the grass...might be time to do some research into seeing how I can cut pieces off to propagate more, seeing as it is one of my favourite things to do anyway.

Something is clearly eating my Calla Lily...once I can figure out exactly what it is, the pesky little bugger is going to be in a lot of trouble...

The spinach is finally starting to look like...well...spinach! Helps when fatty Jenga isn't sitting on it.

Both the green peppers and chili plants are finally starting to grow faster, hopefully I will be able to harvest something from them this year.

Still very delicate, the Mc Kana Giants look to be nowhere near ready to be moved into the garden, but I will stay patient, seeing as they are slowly getting bigger everyday. Cannot wait to see them in full bloom someday.

The basil seems t o have grown at least 10 centimeters, almost overnight! Soon I will be enjoying fresh basil on my pizza!

The carrots are also looking good...though...I have no idea how to tell when they are ready to harvest...luckily I enjoy researching these kinds of things...

My little zombie (because it has died and come back to life a few times now) string-of-pearls is also showing lots of new growth this month.

The strawberry plants from my Propagating Strawberries from Runners Post have also successfully rooted and are growing well, so now I have four plants!

The elephant bush seems to be doing quite well and is making the spot outside my front door look much better. I had to leave a space for Jenga to sit though, otherwise he would have just sat it to everything else I have attempted to put in this spot.

It still looks pretty rough, but I have finally started covering the baby bath in stones...I think it'll look nice once I can find time to finish the project and clean it all up a little bit.

Just because the Ice Cream Bush is gorgeous....

Well, that's it for this month! Till next time!

Credit: All photos are my own, taken using Nikon D5000 camera, which I am still learning to use properly...
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