Three Season Thailand: CreativeGarden Challenge

never written one
Riverflows tells me to try
mojito talking?

Moving from England to Thailand, culture was not the only shock. The climate forces you to change your lifestyle. Hide inside during the middle of the day and give up on the idea of ever "just going for a walk". But slowly you get used to it and slip into a different pattern of seasons particularly once a garden has become your home. Rain, coolish, heat, rain, coolish, heat... And it is the animals more than anything else that talk to me about it. These three haiku reflect some of the wildlife in or around our garden in the different seasons.

drenching afternoon
has stirred the underground wings
our evening blizzard

screech of flying fox
in the cool and clearer air
carries far tonight

shielded eyes point down
away from the swirling storks
lifted by the heat

Thanks to the creativegarden contest for getting me to try this.

(For anybody else who struggles to count syllables, a web-search for "syllable counter" will take you to some useful help!)

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