Half Done - April 26, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

Temp 26F crop April 2024.jpg

Well, it got cold on Thursday night. It was 26F at 5AM. So I planned to work inside until it warmed up midmorning. I finished the laundry, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned up some little projects that had been waiting, and had breakfast.

Small garden - half mulched crop April 2024.jpg

I got out to the Small garden about 10:30AM and did the hard part first. I had to clean up the rakings and spread them before I could put hay down. I got 1 more row done by noon and took a break.

I went out at 1:30PM and finished the rest of the area. I had just enough mulch, using all of the hay bales. So this garden is half done. We need rain bad.

North Corner - Dutchman's breeches crop April 2024.jpg

As I was putting things away, just across from the garden shed this bit of bright pink caught my eye. It’s Dutchman’s breeches in the North Corner garden.

North Corner - after construction crop April 2024.jpg

This is what the North Corner garden currently looks like, after the electric cable repair in December. Not much survived.

North Corner - fiddleheads crop April 2024.jpg

In the back, some of the ferns did.

North Corner - primrose crop April 2024.jpg

In the front, just one primrose out of the large mat of them is still alive. There’s also a big clump of snowdrops, surprise, surprise…

New North - Solomon's seal up crop April 2024.jpg

On the other side of the back steps, I noticed the Solomon’s seal is up.

New North - feverfew crop April 2024.jpg

You may remember my frantic search for feverfew seeds. Last year there were just 1 or 2 in this New North garden and I was afraid they wouldn’t come back. Well, guess I was wrong, huh?

New North - hellebore, lesser celandine crop April 2024.jpg

Also in the New North garden the hellebore is still flowering and the lesser celandine’s bright yellow is cheerful. There’s feverfew crowding in, and wood hyacinth in front.

Near supper time I got a call from a small engine repair person my neighbor uses and he’s going to come on Saturday morning to see about the rider mower. I must ask him if he can fix the pressure washer’s hose too.

I made a supper of Garlic Rosemary Chicken and broccoli and was in bed at 8PM.

On Saturday, I have to get out at 7AM and empty the trash shed so my brother can take it to the dump. I think I’m going to work on the rosebed as it’s not been touched since 2019 or before. That ought to do me in, as it’s pretty bad. Lots of tag sales and estate sales, but no transport, oh well… It’s to be a lovely day.

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