Buds and Flowers - April 4, 2023 @goldenoakfarm

Cleaning the barn - sorting the bench crop April 2023.jpg

On Tuesday morning I was up early and got some bills done. My tenant had not gotten to unloading the truck on Monday and wanted me to bring it up to the house so he could do it before he went to work. So I went up to get it.

Well, the battery, though on the trickle charge for 2 days, was deader than when it started. So we decided to jump it and see if we could get it to the house to unload. We succeeded and got it unloaded and back on the charger. I forgot to check if it was actually charging.

I had just enough time to make and eat breakfast before my helper friend arrived at 9:30AM. We headed out to the barn with supplies. I planned to sort until I couldn’t. I had him cleaning up the stuff that had been soaking in the cans.

I got all the cans of stuff on the bench emptied and sorted and cans labeled.

Cleaning the Barn - cans to sort crop April 2023.jpg

He got the 4 cans cleaned up but not sorted. He even tackled the box of stuff on my bench. Then it was time for him to go so we headed back to the house.

The sorting is hugely time consuming but it will make doing jobs so much easier. There’s still a lot of labeling to do and some more organizing. I’m hoping when both helpers are here on Thursday we can finish the workshop and move onto the next bay.

East of Steps - 2 daffs open crop April 2023.jpg

It was a nice day so later on I went out to see what had come up. These 2 were some I could see as I went in and out of the house, being in the East of Steps garden.

New West - 7. Tulip bud crop April 2023.jpg

Right behind them in the New West garden a tulip had a bud. It’s a little worse for wear, as the critter had gotten it last month.

New South - daf buds crop April 2023.jpg

The New South garden has lots of daffodil buds and the 2 giant alliums and iris at the far end along the foundation are doing really well.

New South - 20. Daf flower, 1st one crop April 2023.jpg

There’s one flower open in the New South garden.

Back porch - daff buds2 crop April 2023.jpg

In the Back Porch garden there are lots of buds. I hope they open this year. Last year many died.

New East - lungwort flowers crop April 2023.jpg

Continuing counterclockwise around the house the lungwort in the New East garden has both pink and blue flowers.

New East - 55. Chiondoxa flowers crop April 2023.jpg

Farther along in this garden the chiondoxa is doing well.

East Shed - 5. and 8. chiondoxa flowers crop April 2023.jpg

In the East Shed garden the Iris reticulata has finished but the 2 chiondoxas are going strong.

East Shed - 27. and 30. daff flowers crop April 2023.jpg

Down at the other end of the East Shed garden King Alfred, left, and Tweety Bird, right, are blooming.

Old North - snowdrops flowering crop April 2023.jpg

In the Old North garden there’s not much up and the snowdrops are just blooming.

New North - hellebore flowers crop April 2023.jpg

In the New North garden the hellebore is just blooming, confused again by the second warm winter in a row.

There were daffodil buds up in the West and West Herb gardens but not a lot else.

South Herb - southernwood leafing out crop April 2023.jpg

In the South Herb garden the southernwood is starting to leaf out.

New Herb crop April 2023.jpg

Not much happening in the New Herb garden. The chives and garlic chives are doing well, the weeds in the peppermint also. At the far end the tansy and wormwood are leafing out.

First Fence - daff buds crop April 2023.jpg

The 1st Fence garden has a lot of daffodil buds.

Seventh Fence - daff buds and iris crop April 2023.jpg

And thanks to my helper friend clearing the raspberries off this 7th Fence garden in February (!), we can see the daffodils and the beginnings of iris.

House and pasture from barn crop April 2023.jpg

So spring is here and soon there will be drifts of daffodil flowers.

I spent the afternoon reading Robert Parker’s Spenser books and was in bed early. I didn’t light stoves as it was really warm in the house. We’ll see how warm it is in the morning.

Wednesday is to be 40’s and cloudy. I think I’ll spend the day inside trying to finish the plant notes.

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