RE: Hive Garden Bi Weekly Comment Challenge: Win Hive

A few days ago I passed by the house that once belonged to my parents and in which I spent part of my childhood.

It had a nice patio with beautiful fruit plants, plums, apricots, orange trees, some vegetables and various garden plants.

The house was sold due to hereditary needs and looking from the outside my heart sank.

The beautiful fruit trees had been uprooted (many people resent having to sweep up the leaves that fall off in the fall it seems).

Nothing remains of the beautiful garden that used to be. All cemented, of a sadness that goes beyond the imaginable.

It seems to be the new wave in my town. Cement, tiles, tiles, the green is gradually disappearing. Walking during the summer and trying to find some shade is utopian.

I managed to rescue some plants with very pretty white flowers and take this photo. It is the only thing that remains of the beautiful garden that populates my childhood memories.

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