Garden Journal of early November: Win the hive - my garden in production-.


I am still in time to write about my garden. I am very happy because in the last few weeks I have put a lot of effort into my plants and I am thankful for the fruits.

My first harvested cucumber is the right size and the taste is very sweet, I still have many more cucumbers to go. The plant is tangled in my living room railing.


I am looking at it little yellow leaves, I don't know if it is because of the constant storms that are going on or because I am keeping the blessed ants away by spraying some water with garlic and onions. The best thing is that their fruits are still growing.


Some time ago I was given zinnia seeds as a gift and now I can say that I too have this beautiful plant in my garden. I had collected flowers of different colors but so far only two plants have bloomed and have this beautiful color.



The coriander plants are growing very well. I planted them last month but didn't mention them, better this way because now it is of better size to show them.


My medicinal plants are lush, and the lemon balm and Santa Maria have taken shape with the rains and are giving me many of their branches and green leaves to infuse.


I went shopping at a department store and in the gardening section, I stopped to buy over 100 pots of various sizes and colors. Now my succulents, cacti, and other plants add a lot of color to my garden.




This sector is my favorite corner, although I like them all here are grouped my 5 Anthurium plants of various colors. And you can also see the holes in my Monstera Adansonii plants.



These PVC tubes have them prepared with holes and hoses through which will circulate a liquid made up of nutrients for hydroponics. It is a project that I had pending for a long time and I have not been able to culminate it, I lack little.


This material is a seedbed that will be ready this week, I plan to place the seeds of many vegetables that I have in open envelopes and I am afraid that if I don't sow them now they will be damaged. I will see which vegetables are born and will be the candidates some of them like lettuce to start my hydroponics project.


One of my favorite flowers is this bromeliad, I am fascinated by its color. Also, the Anthurium Hookery or Jungle King plant had several years without blooming and this month it did.




This zucchini plant was the only one that germinated from a seed packet of about 20 seeds. The poor thing has had to withstand the onslaught of the storms that have passed over the last few weeks and have thrown it from one place to another. Although I put stones on the stem these days and I can finally see some zucchini. She is feisty, this plant has even run out of leaves.


I put my cherry plant in a pot made from recycled tires and she is doing great there. With the flower compost, I put in prepared with banana peels she is starting to have lots of flowers.



Many other things kept me entertained in my garden but that's enough for today.

This is my entry to the gardening contest hosted by @riverflows

All pictures are my own taken with my Redmi note 9 phone.

@gertu de venezuela para el world.png

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