A New Prompt For The Creative Gardeners - Join in And Win!

Every week we put out a creative garden challenge for you to win some prizes! You're free to interpret the prompt however you like, and you can find it at the bottom of this post. Please join in! These challenges only continue if they are supported. It's up to EVERYONE to make this garden community great - if you were thinking about it, NOW is the time. Use it or lose it, as they say!


This Week's Winner

@sofs-su wrote an awesome futuristic story which started off talking about how AI helped remove garden pests from the soil. Sounds good right? But in this future:

Somehow I feel that the lime in this garden didn't smell as sharp as the ones I used to grow in my garden back then, nor do the roses smell as sweet. Fruits don't taste half as good as they did a couple of decades ago, sun ripened fruits had loads of flavor and taste. In fact I thought that all fruits tasted alike now. A garden without birds didn't feel like one at all, it felt like walking into a sterile lab.

Definitely not a garden of dreams and a fantastic warning about using tech to "improve" our lives.

Keep Scrolling for the Prompt - But Don't forget To Follow the Guidelines!

The trick is to write CREATIVELY and BE creative. For example:

  • Showcase a creative response to a problem in your garden
  • Write a story of any genre that features a garden somewhere in the story
  • Write a creative non fiction post about a garden memory
  • Draw, paint, sculpt, write a poem
  • No more than 800 words
  • Publish in the community


  • Posts should contain only ONE image. This is a writing challenge not a photo challenge. Sometimes you might need more than one to tell your story though, so we can be flexible!
  • Use #creativegarden as your first tag
  • Refer back to this challenge at the END of your post
  • Reblog this if you can
  • Comment on other people's posts in the Hive Garden community.
  • Check the COUNTDOWN timer on Peakd.com - no late entries

This is a great opportunity for those in the northern hemisphere who might be shutting down their gardens for winter, and still want to write on #gardening topics.

πŸπŸŒ·πŸ„πŸƒπŸŽThis Week's PromptπŸŒΏπŸŒΌπŸŒ±πŸ“


Interpret this as you will! Some ideas:

  • DESCRIBE your dream garden tool, even if it doesn't exist
  • Write a story that has a toolbox as a symbol
  • Write a creative non fiction about the significance of a tool in your garden
  • Write a garden themed murder mystery or sci Fi about a toolbox
  • or anything else you like!!

This Month's Prize

2 Hive plus 75 percent of the post rewards

Don't forget to follow the community rules - and most of all, have fun! !

The HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY supports gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden or botanical related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome! Find our community here!

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