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Harvest Day! My October Garden Journal

garden selfie! ^^

What's up friends? it's a pleasure to participate again in this garden journal and tell you what's new in my garden! This time I had to harvest several yucca plants and some other things.

I did it last Sunday, I started early, doing some chores around the house. Then I went out and climbed on the roof of my house, to grab some coconuts and passion fruits, because as the plant climbed up there, I have to check not to lose any.

coconuts ready to harvest

Passion fruit plant taking over the roof.

To my surprise there were a good amount already ripe and many others still green. it always surprises me that as the plant spreads and gives new branches, the previous ones dry up, this is quite practical because otherwise I would end up like in the jungle hahaha.

When I finished my work, I went down from the roof and called my neighbor with whom I share the plantation to take out the cassava plants. We harvested a total of 12 plants, and there were 6 more pending because we were really tired and the sun was beginning to be strong. Fortunately it was a good amount, I couldn't say how much since I couldn't weigh it or anything, but I would say it was approximately 10 to 15 kg.

Half of my part

The neighbor grabbing the rest of his part and the other half of mine (on top)

After grouping and dividing the harvested material, we finish cleaning up all the waste, the larger ones we take to a nearby site where this type of waste is usually dumped and then someone burns it. We put the rest right there in the compost pile.

The hand of a gardener working hard

Needless to say that I was left as if I had been beaten to a pulp hahaha, but happy to get those long awaited foods grown naturally and by myself. Now I just have to wait again for the next harvest, since we planted there again and in other spaces I will plant corn along with beans and pumpkins, it will be another of my experiments since the soil is not very good there, I don't know how it will turn out but I still want to do it!

I invite again @sirenahippie and @ecuadorhomestead to participate! Now, I say goodbye for this occasion and thanks for reading, I will be back soon with more about my garden. Take care!

Gracias por leerme. | Thanks for reading.
Todas las fotos son de mi autorĂ­a. | All photos are my own.