the last of the red currants

we have been enjoying red currants from the garden since the beginning of July but Friday we picked the last of them. we have made juice and jelly and eaten them raw with vanilla sauce and in fruit salad and more. it's been years since i made rips wine but i made plenty of it so we still have a case left.

there was only a bowlful left on the bush so it was quick to pick. my son and grandkids were on their way for a summer visit so i decided to make some red currants muffins for the occasion

here you can see how the calendula has been thriving this summer. it's doing far better than we expected and has taken over some places it wasn't supposed to but we aren't worried about that. they brighten up so nicely and they should last long into the autumn.

since there was just one bowl it was quick to clean them. this late in the season they are juicier and somewhat sweeter than the first pickings.

for this recipe i am using 1 1/2 cups of berries

Red Currant Muffins recipe:
1 1/2 cup fresh red currants
1/2 cup sugar

2 medium eggs
1/4 cup melted butter and avocado oil 2:1
1/3 cup whole milk

1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder

preheat the oven 200 C or 400 F
mix the sugar in the berries. this will be a bit tart. if you want sweeter add a few Tbsp brown sugar. in a separate bowl beat the eggs, milk and butter/oil and in a third bowl stir together the dry ingredients

add the berries to the flour mix and stir thoroughly but gently, breaking as few berries as possible

with a light hand fold in the liquid just enough to mix it in. a little dry flour is ok but there should not be any runny batter. avoid overmixing.

it will look something like this. notice i have used a lot of berries. you might consider using less if you are not fond of tart baked goods.

fill a muffins form. this will make 12 medium sized or 8 large muffins

sprinkle a little sugar on top and bake for 25-30 minutes just below the middle of the oven. if the berries are very juicy and many are broken it may take longer. cool on a rack and enjoy this summer treat with the family.

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